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@ZiaNitori part of the healthier quality of this place in comparison to other social media (the slower moving pace of things here, the lack of intense back and forths between in-groups and out-groups) also means its not worming its way into your brain saying "check in on masto check in on masto check in on masto" the way other social media often do.

@Aleph i'd argue it's the consequence of Social Media As Politics. they're staking out a logical conclusion of some set of values they've developed completely disconnected from meeting their actual needs.

@abolisyonista according to thinkers like James Scott, much of statecraft is born from piratical ventures that have reason to regularize

just read a mutualist critique of Critique of the Gotha Program and its literally just "marx, why aren't you proudhon"

it doesn't even try to be convincing.

doe boosted

rev trans politics, transphobia 

Revolutionary trans politics and the three way fight: an interview with rowan

"We need to build a politics and practice that doesn’t seek assimilation into this society, but seeks the destruction of patriarchy and heterosexism. Rather than acting as a small minority political constituency for the Democratic Party, we need to build alliances with other oppressed people as we attack the systems that hurt all of us."

@eris lmao i just mean that so much "political discourse" is so disconnected from any acting body that can carry it out.

@eris i like that, in those discussions, everyone is talking about what should be The Set of Unifying Beliefs without anyone acting on any of the beliefs

-someone trying to justify not finishing their projects

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i am balancing too many research projects but they actually all intersect in really clear ways so its really all like one research projext in the TV show 30 Rock there's an entire episode dedicated to mocking the way one of them is pronouncing their movie title. none of them can figure out what she's saying until they watch the movie itself and discover it's called The Rural Juror

r's surrounding vowels are just weird in english

@agreedyboi i feel so much of this. i was doing so good at staying off of twitter til recently. im trying to convince myself that if im going to argue about things, i owe it to myself to actually do the work of writing things out fully, with sources and extra reading and whatnot.

Hope does not cloud observation. Observation without hope cannot amount to more than obedience.

It is hopelessness that clouds observation.

we've found now a second dead mouse. the first was on the top of our car, the second was right next to our car on the ground. im pretty sure this is a gift from the crows i feed.

doe boosted

i love being queer and i love seeing other queers living boldly and fully

the reduction of the world down to "value" and all of life's activity reduced to wage-labor produces a world no life can inhabit

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A small congregation of exiles.