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i've been thinking a lot about what i have the capacity to do, what my relationships with different pieces of the world can do to change the possibilities around me.
i don't know the language to describe my changing beliefs about the world and the powers inherent and immanent to it. i feel like a lot of my work reading has been trying to discover the language i was looking for, and it has gotten me closer but i still feel so far....

Narada Falls from the last day of my trip to the mountains!

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“She loved wild birds’ feathers. She had used to collect them as a boy.”

@pinkprius no, im new to mushrooms in this area and i didnt want to disturb too much. once i get more comfortable identifying them and finding spots that seem good to take from i will.

this cauliflower mushroom was by far the coolest find of the day though!

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i want to try to write some while i'm out here. i always feel closer to a power i can identify with out here

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im back around rainier for the next couple days. im excited to walk through the forests and i think im going to try to forage a little while here.

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@rose thank you for the excuse to post this bison i saw in yellowstone

i started the book Dark Ecology by Timothy Morton. i'm not sure what i think about it yet. it's been wrong in frustratingly obvious, glaring ways a couple times, but i think it says something important to a particular kind of "rationalist" maybe... i gotta get further in it and mull it over still.

i rewatched Pig tonight. it was maybe my 4th or 5th watch and it still makes me cry. it's slow, and it likes to sit in its own emotions, but i think what it has to say about Names, Families, and Connections is unlike most stories, and worth hearing out.

@roundtit it was hard to accept this morning that what my dog did was, in fact, pretty cute.

@pie @FinalOverdrive studies tend to show that when people feel like they're stealing from a person it feels different than when you're stealing from a faceless corporation. but, politically i agree that in class war, businesses are businesses and they are predicated on exploitation and the violent upholding of their power, and as such, the non-propertied can't really treat them differently.

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shoplifting discourse has been making the rounds, does anyone have any good readings/studies/etc on shoplifting?

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Marx: "The less you eat, drink and read books; the less you go to the theatre, the dance hall, the public house; the less you think, love, theorize, sing, paint, fence, etc., the more you save—the greater becomes your treasure which neither moths nor dust will devour—your capital. The less you are, the more you have; the less you express your own life, the greater is your alienated life—the greater is the store of your estranged being."

From the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844

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A small congregation of exiles.