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DMC: Devil May Cry, Bill O'Reilly 

shoutout to the time where Devil May Cry has you kill not-Bill-O'Reilly as a literal Talking Head while Bill keeps putting you on the news with "eyewitness reports" calling you a murderer, terrorist, sexual delinquent...

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i watched a couple of the early episodes of S2 of courage the cowardly dog yesterday on acid and i have never laughed harder in my fucking life

who up tryin to smash signifying regimes

we were gonna go shooting today but we had our first snow of the year instead

copyright discourse 

as a lifelong pirate and half-lifelong state-hater, ive never found much in the way of a good argument for copyright. what am i missing?

drugs, psychedelics 

lsd was so much fun yesterday 🥰

doe boosted

I have too many fucking things I want to write but it would be so fun to make an OpSec kids book about like forest critters learning security culture so they can fight off loggers or some such whimsy


i cannot confirm or deny whether or not i have ingested lsd

philosophy, religion, bataille 

Georges Bataille was a philosopher who, in the 30's started two groups simultaneously. One, the College of Sociology, and it's more private side, the Secret Society of Acephale.

Acephale anonymously published works attempting to "retake" Nietzsche from the fascists, the Nazis, who had started abusing his work.

The Acephale publications were writings of a very anarchic nature, which utilized Nietzsche's philosophy, the sociological work of Durkheim on Religion, and its relationship to the Profane or to the Sacred, to try to understand the changing world they existed in. Some of the publications come with meditations to carry out.

To Bataille, the entire world had become profane. Capitalism, States, Fascism, and the "Communist System" of the Soviets had destroyed the Sacred itself. All of the possible Sacreds, constantly demoted to Profane by the uncaring mechanical logics of these systems.

Bataille wanted an explosion of the Sacred across the entirety of the world. And, to skip forward quite ahead, eventually thought that to complete this explosion of the sacred, he needed to sacrifice himself. To become an Acephalic figure, headless, like that of the universe. He wanted his friends to kill him, but none wanted to.

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should Bataille's friend's have killed him when he asked them to, for the sake of the propagation of the Myth of Acephale?

fediverse growing pains 

the silly instance drama between admins is one of the biggest ones that would almost completely be avoided if more people started instances for themselves and people they knew personally already.

i know this isn't possible for everyone, and i totally think there should be places that have good practices for new users, but still.

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fediverse growing pains 

a lot of the frustrations new users have with somewhere like mastodon is the expected UX, having just come from centralized networks, and abstracted administration powers. but (in most cases, imo) it quickly becomes a learning experience for what the rest of the sites on the internet are constantly doing and constantly trying to hide that they're doing from users.

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fediverse growing pains 

overly optimistic i think but, i'm hoping that the more direct relationship between users and admins on the fediverse is going to make a lot of people take account of what they actually want out of a social media, and a relationship with a website owner.

fingers crossed it encourages people towards more conscious self-hosting for the real relationships you want to have online. but like i said, i'm probably being overly optimistic

check out this cool guy i met yesterday when i went to oregon

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A small congregation of exiles.