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currently my website ( hosts a library of texts, but it sucks as a library. i'm just utilizing blog infrastructure and dumping pdfs inside of a series of folders somewhere.

does anyone know of a good library infrastructure i could start utilizing? i've considered the anarchistlibrary infrastructure, but i'd prefer something else honestly.

fuck i said i was gonna go through that zine but it misunderstands things so instantly and in such bad faith idek if its worth it

UH; FIWV, Going in Circles, (anti-)tiqqun 

fuck am i really going to torture myself with this?

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UH; FIWV, Going in Circles, (anti-)tiqqun 

already not looking good here. they blanketly say that there is just "no analysis provided" in the text The Coming Insurrection, and instead only "statements" only "immediate objectivity." i'd like to see this substantiated.

their attempt is immediately them stringing together random half sentences and then misconstruing even their own frankenstein's version of it.

where tiqqun says they want to: “introduce a little order into the common-places of our time, collecting some of the murmurings around barroom tables and behind closed bedroom doors.."

and that they need to “lay down a few necessary truths" the Ungrateful Hyenas speak this back to us as: "the common-places are the necessary truths..."

if you can't even follow your own reconstructions of other's sentences, you should maybe reconsider your attempt... anyways, continuing.

Ungrateful Hyenas seem to mistake utilizing the bald-faced truth spoken by people in positions of power to ironic effect as treating them as a "credible source."

it also claims that the goal of tiqqunism is to get you to join their big multitudinous "We," which... well, i don't know how else to tell you that you've literally no idea what tiqqun has actually written.

tiqqun says: Every attempt to grasp a “people” as a form-of life—as race, class, ethnicity, or nation—has been undermined by the fact that the ethical differences within each “people” have always been greater than the ethical differences between “peoples” themselves.

or, later, in that same piece, where they ironically quote their enemy who was saying that the "period of civil war in japan was the freest of all"

these are not projects of a unified "We," rather, explicitly the opposite.

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UH; FIWV intro, (anti-)tiqqun 

reading a set of pieces on tiqqun and the introduction does not fill me with confidence for how the rest of it will go.

i'll write my thoughts on each piece in a single post at a time, marked with the content warning.

most notably about the intro: they make no reference to any piece published under "tiqqun" only pieces published under "The Invisible Committee"

those are not the same. to mistake the two is silly. but, perhaps they're more interested in some "milieu" they've tried to define but have not yet shown.

let's see how this goes.

i just learned about this brick, made under Nebuchadnezzar II. Thousands of bricks were stamped with his name and title, to emphasize that he had made what they were building.

But on one, a worker who was actually making the bricks, added their own name: Zabina’

We've been watching the most recent iteration of the Planet of the Apes movies and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes which is actually a cool play on the fascistic inversion of liberation.

doe boosted

if anyone knows anyone who has any knowledge on sedentarization practices carried out by states against nomadic/otherwise non-sedentary peoples, please let me know. i've got some pointed research questions i'd like to ask.

doe boosted

civilization is literally a living being and sees you as a part of it's body. if you do not pay it for a space to live in via rent or taxes you're restricted from growing things building things, reproduction (technically you can but it will snatch the body you've created for it to integrate into itself), ect. if you do not play a part in it's metabolic cycle as it devours the earth, you are denied everything you're likely to want. even once you manage to achieve this there's a thousand other mechanisms to make sure you're feeding into it's metabolism, and a thousand more for trying to capture any kids you have. it knows people are receptive to incentives and it knows how to create them and if you or your kid dont follow incentives in a predictable way they can diagnose you with a disorder and kidnap you. 90% of people are very consciously in favor of this state of affairs and those that arent are too confused about what precisely the issue is and end up wishing for a world almost exactly the same as what currently exists. the bots arent waking up. they're comfortable, and when they become uncomfortable they know how to cozy up to whatever beast can offer them protection in exchange for their labour and maybe in that process they call for things that make them feel freer like democracy or civil rights. the only liberation to be found is that in disentangling yourself from the beast and learning to live in the dangerous new ecosystem it dominates. if enough people do escape, over time i think it's very likely that there could be good reason to consider them a fundamentally different species because they're evolving in drastically different environments and if this occurs when leviathan is weakened from the natural disasters it creates it's possible that these groups could grow large enough to render an area effectively ungovernable which leads to a whole new world of possibilities, though i think they're more likely going to get exterminated by disease or bureaucracy

doe boosted

Hey did you know I have a patreon? Did you know that it helps me produce and maintain the library I keep publicly accessible?

Did you know it's starting to help me develop a community of self-directed research?

Did you know that i'll be publishing a piece on genocide and queerness as a video essay soon and that versions of the script are readable if you become a patron?

Well hey now you know!

last night i watched Come and See (1985)
it was an excellent piece of art and history and it hurt so bad

it explains that odd marxist-pathologizing of despots as "enacting the will of the people" in places that aren't doing anything remotely socialist.

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I maintain that there are many who claim the title marxist and communist who only "believe in marxism" insofar as it describes the condition of capital as a condition in which "society does not govern itself" and only insofar as it prescribes a society governing itself consciously.

i always remind myself

the body thay says i, in truth, says we

i want to build shrines that turn into temples because they serve others

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A small congregation of exiles.