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just ran into an evil dropdown on a church's website

doe boosted

With one fell swoop, DeSantis has caused massive labor shortages for the agriculture and construction industries, alienated most non-Nazi organizations looking for places to hold conventions, and put an end to tourism from five states.

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I saw a comment yesterday, that it's a mistake to think in terms of a perfect ecological cycle, because it's not a closed loop -- hydrocarbons were continuously dropping out of the ecosystem, being deposited in the crust of the Earth, transforming into petroleum over time.

Combine that thought with the fact that we're technically in an ice age, that humans evolved in the coldest period of the planet's history.

doe boosted

A major German newspaper asked me to write an opinion piece on the Supreme Court - then refused to publish it because they regard my argument that the rightwing majority stands in direct opposition to multiracial, pluralistic democracy and the modern state as too extreme. 🤷

doe boosted

I’m at the construction arson… I’m at the bouncy house party… I’m at the combination construction arson and bouncy house party

#StopCopCity #DefendTheForest #atlanta

"It goes without saying that the situationists support the absolute refusal of the extremely limited range of lawful activities."

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doe boosted
the algaerithm will select posts for you based on how readily algae grows on them

"Anyone who disparages this attack... should specify what he believes to be of positive value in the present society and worth preserving (it will turn out to be almost everything)."

the crows were having a big loud party today, i got to talk to some of them and feed a couple pretty close. i've been noticing a lot more young crows recently, getting fed by others.

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doe boosted

Tomorrow kicks off a great series of video essays on my channel this month, premiering every Friday! I like to think I've stepped up the thumbnail game a bit for some of these.

doe boosted

not having twitter to rely on for information and context feels like continuously reaching for sensory information from a bandaged limb

just watched bakshi's lord of the rings and its so good and so weird

i hadnt seen a crow in like 5 days because of random fireworks in the neighborhood but i finally saw one just now and called out to it and got it to join me in the yard with some food

the big group im trying to look into is where pastors, priests and the like overlap with educational institutions, homeschooling advocacy, and other reactionary political advocacy groups like TPUSA

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i keep seeing electoral-grifters pontificating about which sub-group to throw under the bus so we can finally get those D votes we're missing out on. if you're wondering why you can't win, this is it.

i've been doing research on what i'm calling the Conservative Institutional Empire; trying to track smaller names and groups as they morph. changing from name to name. using "credentials" from bullshit titles invented by friends or friends of friends or whatever and it's making me wanna find more comprehensive histories

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same thing with modern churches, i'd love to see a history of how they became churches.

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A small congregation of exiles.