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just watched Fern Gully for the first time and i gotta say it is really good, a lot better than i expected, honestly.

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Chicago Police Tied To Hate Groups Proud Boys And Oath Keepers Won't Face Discipline, Officials Say

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there is no such thing as an 'outside agitator' (the closest are cops and wreckers) - so many people have pointed out the connections between the injustices perpetrated across any sort of state or geographic boundaries - we are all inside this machine.

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So after I got booked when I was able to make my phone call, I dialed the number for the mass defense hotline to let people know that I was arrested and in jail. They answered the phone but it was extremely difficult to communicate. Every 10-15 seconds or so they kept interrupting the call with a “no third party callers” announcement. It was near impossible to hear what was being said. The person with mass defense was great and helped guide me through it and explained that they were fucking with me and to just try my best to focus and only pay attention to their voice. Someone else who was arrested also had this happen to them, and it was so frequent they eventually got so frustrated and just hung up the phone. Another person had their phone call interrupted by a cop saying “get off the phone” just to spook them. They said they only do these interruptions to certain callers, and that it got worse as the night went on.

ever since they cut down the nearby tree that crows nested in, i haven't seen my main squads of 3 or 4 crows. when i feed my crows only 1 or 2 ever shows up now.

doe boosted

"zines" should be pronounced "z-eye-ens" and not "zeeeeens"

"Somebody is radicalizing out students" Deputy Commissioner of Operations Kaz spoke after NYU and New School raid, "we will find out who that is".

"somebody is radicalizing our students - it can't possibly be the consequences of our actions! our Order is perfect! there's a parasite! that's it! we have to kill the parasite! our Order wouldn't have problems if there wasn't an Outsider that needs to be Brought To Justice"

it takes only a small change in words to hear the same message - like we've been trapped in a loop.
the vandalism of these college students is less than the vandalism that's occurred all around us by the state, by profit-driven machines of extraction

in place of 'professional incendiarism' we have the language of 'professional agitators' - all deployed to transform real political coordination and action - collective resistance - into excisable tumors.

what crimes does the state justify while doublespeaking and raising the highest complaints about when others commit those crimes? like whining about encampments being 'destruction of property' while they raze gaza.

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Marx's "The Civil War in France" has a lot that is still very relevant today. change some words here and there and it's identical. like we've been trapped in a loop.

"The government cries, “Incendiarism!” and whispers this cue to all its agents, down to the remotest hamlet, to hunt up its enemies everywhere as suspect of professional incendiarism. The bourgeoisie of the whole world, which looks complacently upon the wholesale massacre after the battle, is convulsed by horror at the desecration of brick and mortar!
The Commune knew that its opponents cared nothing for the lives of the Paris people, but cared much for their own Paris buildings.
If the acts of the Paris working men were vandalism, it was the vandalism of defence in despair, not the vandalism of triumph, like that which the Christians perpetrated upon the really priceless art treasures of heathen antiquity;and even that vandalism has been justified by the historian as an unavoidable and comparatively trifling concomitant to the titanic struggle between a new society arising and an old one breaking down. It was still less the vandalism of Haussman, razing historic Paris to make place for the Paris of the sightseer!"

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they would rather call you all violent terrorists for standing up to genocide while amassing organized terror forces to pry into every private part of your life, violently rip you from your home, and force you to pay them for the honor of them judging whether you deserve prison

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no matter how all of this shakes out the governments of the world are all going to spend the next century having to deal with the lessons they taught the propertyless masses.

governments, including democracies, despise the self-organization of the propertyless.

doe boosted

P.S. Why do you think cops are so fucking good at brutalizing folks while sweeping encampments?

Perhaps they all need to fucking learn to be afraid again while we protect our neighbors. Perhaps more buildings need to be occupied, squatted in, all of it.

Perhaps we need to give cops SO much to do that there's no way it can all be responded to. There are more of us then there are them.

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this is a good reminder that - however many 'sympathetic' politicians are in power - it will never be enough to be worth giving up our own powers of collective coordination against what is intolerable

hey and others ( and and ) what's your favorite book on the movements surrounding/following/constituting May '68?

doe boosted

Riot Medicine is a full length text book covering the practice of evidence-informed street medicine. It's most intended for those without medical training

Riot Medicine Bridge Guide is intended for healthcare workers who want to join social movements and use their medical skills to help others.

There are other shorter guides like the Riot Medicine Field Guide, Basic First Aid for Emergencies, and the micro zine Street Medics' Checklist.

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A small congregation of exiles.