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mastodon needs to lose the inter-instance bickering and gain far more interesting bickerings

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Tiqqun: “The deconstructionist, incapable of having an effect on even the smallest detail of his world, being literally almost no longer in the world and having made absence his permanent mode of being, tries to embrace his Bloomhood with bravado. He shuts himself up in that narrow, closed circle of realities that still affect him at all--books, texts, films, and music--because these things are as insubstantial as he is. He can no longer see anything in what he reads that might relate to life, and instead sees what he lives as a tissue of references to what he has already read."

The deconstructionist, yes, but also so many other academics...

From Introduction to Civil War

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The poutine was sick and so was the coffee

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"To all the #LGBTqia+ #people who insisted #cops at #Pride are a great thing "for our #protection" and deserve to march and have floats in the #parade despite the people of color in our #community and older #queers in our community talking about police brutality then and now:

Who do you think is going to enforce all the #antitrans and queer #laws that are sweeping the #country?"

:acab: :acab2: :acabkitty: :clowncop: :nocops: :pig_cop: :txt_eff_the_cops:

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Absolutely bonkers things are happening right now across the whole of the North Atlantic Ocean — far far outside historical norms.

This should be the front-page news — that fossil fuel executives are making our planetary emergency worse so they can get even richer.

We are in a climate emergency.

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Oh nice. Seattle Public Library has created a membership type for "13 to 26 year olds anywhere in the US" to be able to sign out e and audiobooks as a response to those locales banning books...

"Read the books they don't want you to. That's where the good stuff is." - LeVar Burton

#Seattle #library #censorship #books #reading

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I am about to kick some journalists in the nuts real hard.

YOU failed to report on the dire warnings of scientists the past *checks the 6 IPCC reports* 33 years with your bloody "both-sideism" and now it's our fault?

Fuck you, the Hill. Fuck you very very much.

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Something that distinguishes contemporary capitalism is that many of the technologies that compose the means of production/circulation also compose the means of control. Logistics systems coordinate shipments of cargo & tear gas, face recognition tracks employees & rioters, etc.

i should make a thread where i @ all of them just to say hi

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theres a lot of people following me who have never posted

to say it in a way that shows whats at stake: how do we think praxis while our praxis is so often used to keep the gears of the enemy machines running?

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something else we're going to have to talk about soon is the way left-wing humanitarian efforts (even efforts of direct resistance) against the crises produced by the current configuration of power are "salvaged" by those in positions of power.

someone like Emma Goldman would say that "direct action is the consistent method of anarchism"

but is putting every activity within only immediate means desirable? is it even possible? what's the subjectivity that has "immediate" means? can groups have immediate means to goals or is it reserved only for individuals?

i'm also reminded of Schmitt's discourse on the Sovereign. The Sovereign as the Decider Of The State Of Exception thus needs a Normal Situation by which to judge something to be exceptional. The Sovereign Makes and Maintains the Normal Situation that it judges its subjects by.

What mediates the sovereign?

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i think its time to start a discourse on (im)mediacy within revolutionary currents.

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for the first time in a loooooong time i caught a lady glaring soooo angrily at my collar

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“Luana Ross's study of Native American women incarcerated in the Women's Correctional Center in Montana argues that "prisons, as employed by the Euro-American system, operate to keep Native Americans in a colonial situation/'87 She points out that Native people are vastly overrepresented in the country's federal and state prisons. In Montana, where she did her research, they constitute 6 percent of the general population, but 17.3 percent of the imprisoned population. Native women are even more disproportionately present in Montana's prison system. They constitute 25 percent of all women imprisoned by the state.”
― Angela Y. Davis, Are Prisons Obsolete?

#quote #quotes

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According to new report Mercedes, BMW and Volkswagen all use prison labor in production in #Germany. Those companies really stick to traditions... #Prison

Also producer of children toys for water "Tinti" is used prison labor.

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NEW: More than 100 artists including Rage Against the Machine, Wheatus, Jill Sobule, Anti-Flag, Speedy Ortiz, Deerhoof and Boots Riley have signed a pledge to boycott venues that use facial recognition.

We launched the letter with a Rolling Stone exclusive this morning. Still taking signers!

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A small congregation of exiles.