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"The profanation of the unprofanable is the political task of the coming generation."

Giorgio Agamben, "Profanations"

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last night, for the first time in a while, i was able to just enjoy fireworks (instead of just having a trauma-reaction to them)

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"We fix our gaze on the remains of a triumphal arch, a portico, a pyramid, a temple, a palace, and we plunge into meditation. We anticipate the ravages of time, and our imagination scatters over the very buildings in which we live. All at once, solitude and silence reign around us. We alone remain, of an entire nation that no longer exists; and this is first line of the poetics of ruins." —Denis Diderot

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i've been trying for a while to get the crows comfortable with getting close to me. right now the current strat is just "look the opposite direction of the crow"

look at that sheepish little walk!

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unless youre prepared to go to war on behalf of Seattle's Great Crow Satan - do not dress up as a caveman in Seattle.

you have been warned.

this is the caveman mask the researchers wore. if this guy showed up in my neighborhood i'd be scared as shit too.

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unless youre prepared to go to war on behalf of Seattle's Great Crow Satan - do not dress up as a caveman in Seattle.

you have been warned.

these are my friends and i love them so much, i talk to them every day and some of them have started talking back. the first time it happened i cried. i cant wait to keep developing with them 😇

on the plus side, my relationship with the neighborhood crows is developing a lot! we greet each other every day, and the group has gone from 3 to 6 at minimum, every day.

stormy days theyre not around as much and i get a little sad about it, but i get it

i got sucked back into the birdsite, its so stupid i dont know why i even look over there anymore

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it's gotten to the point where every morning, as i'm walking my dog for the first walk of the day, i'm joined by 3-5 crows who follow me for the whole walk. flying by and landing on nearby street signs, electrical cables, houses, fences, all until we get back home and then i feed them some (usually nuts or dog food)

i rewatched The Platform tonight with my pack and it was pretty good. i think i liked it better on this second watch than i did after the first watch. the metaphors are heavy but they work well~

today i made a pizza

separately and - you'll have to take my word on this - completely unrelated to that, i also really fucked up a pizza and i dont think i need any more salt for the next few days

"It seems to me that at least one of Marx’s observations is true: every minute devoted to the capitalist production process, every thought contributed to the industrial system, further enlarges a power that is inimical to nature, to culture, to life... Nationalism is not flown in from abroad. It is a product of the capitalist production process, like the chemical agents poisoning the lakes, air, animals and people, like the nuclear plants radioactivating micro-environments in preparation for the radioactivation of the macro-environment.

As a postscript I’d like to answer a question before it is asked. The question is: “Don’t you think a descendant of oppressed people is better off as a supermarket manager or police chief?” My answer is another question: What concentration camp manager, national executioner or torturer is not a descendant of oppressed people?" -Freddy Perlman, The Continuing Appeal of Nationalism

"The warrior is in the position of betraying everything, including the function of the military, or understanding nothing.

It happens that historians, both bourgeois and Soviet, will follow this negative tradition and explain how Genghis Khan understood nothing: he "didn't understand" the phenomenon of the city. An easy thing to say..." -D&G, A Thousand Plateaus

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A small congregation of exiles.