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This is an acorn woodpecker granary I found on a hike at Joseph Grant Park, east of San Jose. The acorn woodpeckers store the acorns in the trees. #hiking #photography #woodpeckers

today i woke up to some guy cutting down one of the trees i know the crows nest in 😭

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LMAO someone did a deep dive and found out who runs that discord scraper

there is such a big eagle outside right now

i really hate that 'firebomb a walmart' tweet. not only does nobody think that firebombing a walmart is the solution to literally any systemic problem - even if they did, who is going around promoting their own crimes?

i also really hate how it positions lefty/libs when they are confronted with real struggles being fought on the ground that have no "representation" in party politics, real struggles which require illicit acts to resist, regardless of any question of "changing the system"

it's not about revolutions. it's not about waiting for the socialist/communist revolution to show up at your door. it's about building the knowledges and the coordinations which allow for free people, in collective coordination, to organize and actualize their own autonomy!

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people will really be like "you believe in the power of self-organized, coordinated social living? that pales in effectiveness to my strategy, building working class power in the democratic party" and then not build any working class power in the democratic party

here's the full quote for anyone curious.
its from The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State

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what was Engels on when he said "Before incest was invented (and it is an invention, a really valuable one indeed)..."

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I haven't managed to do any solar imaging since last October. As there was a clearish period this afternoon and I had a bit of free time, I managed to capture a few images.

stealing this from my buddies over at Machinic Unconscious Happy Hour

i'm planning on publishing something on Autonomy (as a principle of self-organization) and i'm pulling a lot from the italian-variant of Autonomists. in particular i'm pulling from the book Autonomia: Post-Political Politics and there's this one section, which is kind of unnerving, that i just still don't quite get

(no alt-text, too much text)

i think its time i lock down my twitter, stop tweeting entirely, and try to build my projects elsewhere.

"We fall into a false alternative if we say that you either imitate or you are. What is real is the becoming itself, the block of becoming, not the supposedly fixed terms through which that which becomes passes... becoming lacks a subject distinct from itself."

doe boosted

one landed on my roof while i was sitting outside and cawed at me a few times, and then it and two others flew into the yard and one of them mounted the other and they made a very unique noise while fluttering tails a lot

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my crows were in my dream last night. after numerous bad situations i was left on the top of something and my crows flew over and landed with me and nuzzled me before helping me get away. i think that's probably a good sign

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A small congregation of exiles.