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i think i need to unfollow everyone and refollow people

doe boosted

“The growing proletarianization of modern man and the increasing formation of masses are two aspects of the same process. Fascism attempts to organize the newly created proletarian masses without affecting the property structure which the masses strive to eliminate. Fascism sees its salvation in giving these masses not their right, but instead a chance to express themselves. The masses have a right to change property relations; Fascism seeks to give them an expression while preserving property. The logical result of Fascism is the introduction of aesthetics into political life. The violation of the masses, whom Fascism, with its Führer cult, forces to their knees, has its
counterpart in the violation of an apparatus which is pressed into the production of ritual values. All efforts to render politics aesthetic culminate in one thing: war.”

—Walter Benjamin, “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”

the imperial-civilizing machine with (de)humanization as its motor will be destroyed or We will be destroyed

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not "slightly different concept of what it means to be human" but "completely emptied of power" abolition and destitution

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communism will abolish humanity or it will remain, as most other 19th and 20th century grand-ideas for society have remained, a genocidal project

how has a whole subsection of the """left""" has convinced itself that a group can't do genocide without it being a directly stated policy? it is baffling.
apparently all one has to do to get away with genocide is deny intent.

my guess is something to do with springtime, but i'm not sure

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today seemed to be some sort of crow meeting day. 30 or more of them seemed gathered near the tops of trees, mostly gathered around 4 to 5 trees within visible distance of each other. lots of cawing.
no swooping attacks at each other.

one or two crows would fly off in a particular direction, then one or two more in another direction only to come back within 5 or so minutes.

eventually 4 came over to our house (and i do believe these 4 to be the regulars that stop by our house daily) while the rest stayed at the tops of trees that i could see from my porch. i was a bit nervous, not wanting to be swarmed by the whole pack, but i gave them a bit of food in our regular manner, which they gratefully accepted and flew off with.

i gave my crows some lime shrimp for the first time recently and they are so funny about it. they hold it in their beaks and touch their tongues to it over and over again before putting a bunch in their mouth and then fly away

there are like 6 bald eagles flying around my house today

watched one land on a tree, next to another one. and then a third swooped at it with its claws and they both tumbled to the ground before catching themselves with their wings and swooping up and away

dude literally said "it's not possible to have self-consciousness without it involving mediation through language" and hasn't backed it up with a single thing

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getting mad at the human supremacists today

dune 2 is definitely better than the first but it still leaves me with relatively little to think about by its end, none of its messiah and power problematics feel juicy enough and none of its visuals have that psychedelic edge that i feel like spice should lend itself towards.

Those Who Walk Away From Omelas is a revelation of the sacrificial-machine as the self-legitimating center point for justice (or any other concept that works to transform acts of subjectivities, individuals and institutions into something that's "for the good of the whole")

our dog is getting dementia and nights are getting harder for her :c

what i think i sounded like: "well you see like, there are characteristics and then there are extrinsic relations, right? and each set of extrinsic relations composes you as a power and part of a power, right?"

what i sounded like to the auto-transcript-generator:

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one of the questions they asked was "who are you" and i swear to god i rambled for minutes trying to answer it

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yesterday a friend came over and interviewed me about my crows for their class

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A small congregation of exiles.