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had a dream last night that can only be described as monster hunter + x-men

doe boosted

so, via their latest staff update, cohost is shutting down. no celebrations here. cohost was doing a lot of interesting stuff. but, the reason the fediverse is decentralized is because no one can carry the weight of "everyone in one place" without doing the evil we all (including cohost devs) decry - "selling my data", "ads", "algorithmic timelines", "selling our company to musk when it stops being profitable"

this should be a small lesson in what's necessary in the foundations of our collective projects

just found out that in the comics slade (deathstroke) was in a sexual relationship with terra — and the way fans talk about it is insane

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"no, robin, you can't talk to your friends anymore, you don't have any friends, i'll destroy them if you try to contact them again"

dump his ass robin

"terra, they're all gonna turn on you, you don't have any friends, they think you're unstable, they think you're crazy, but i can handle it, i can train you"


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i've been rewatching the original teen titan's cartoon and i love that the Big Bad's only power is being an abusive boyfriend

anyways todays my birthday happy birthday to me

i just wanna stop receiving "trends up for review" emails this is evil

doe boosted

"Crucially, unlike other medical freedom organizations, Four Thieves isn’t suggesting people treat COVID with Ivermectin, isn’t shilling random supplements, and doesn’t have any sort of commercial arm at all. Instead, they are helping people to make their own, identical pirated versions of proven and tested pharmaceuticals by taking the precursor ingredients and performing the chemical reactions to make the medication themselves."

doe boosted

The Internet Archive losing its appeal means one thing: pirate stuff. Pirate brazenly. There’s no point trying to do it the nice way - you’ll get shut down anyway. Copy, share, and archive to your heart’s content. It’s the only way we’re keeping digital media and our cultural memory intact.

okay so a friend told me about the app "iNaturalist" and it seems to have fulfilled quite a bit of what i was thinking of. i'll be trying it out for a bit.

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en dash – hyphen - em dash — en dash – hyphen - em dash — en dash – hyphen - em dash —en dash – hyphen - em dash — en dash – hyphen - em dash — en dash – hyphen - em dash — en dash – hyphen - em dash — en dash – hyphen - em dash —en dash – hyphen - em dash — en dash – hyphen - em

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em dash — em dash — em dash — em dash — em dash — em dash — em dash — em dash — em dash — em dash — em dash — em dash — em dash — em dash — em dash — em dash — em dash — em dash — em dash — em dash — em dash — em dash — em dash — em dash — em dash — em dash — em dash — em dash —

i was going to go to yellowstone a few days after my birthday for like a week - and i was real nervous about flying there, almost making me not even want to go... but the trip got cancelled and now there's no flight to be nervous about and my brain is like "damn wish i could've gone" - so stupid lololol

doe boosted

"but marx was a couch surfing fuck boy"

anti-work icon. next question

every morning for like the last week i keep getting hiccups within an hour of being awake - stop it!!! free me!!! i dont deserve this pain!!

just watched aliens for the first time! youd never think the franchise used to be trying to say something if youd only seen the recent movies lmao

now if only i had any programming skills (it said to itself, knowing that it worked as a software dev for 5 years)

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A small congregation of exiles.