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i'm thinking of building a map tool with user generated data for urban citizen ecological/environmental science. seeing has made me realize what might be possible.


think i've finally decided to truly give up on twitter. nothing there interests me anymore. for a while i was convincing myself there were things to engage with there. i really no longer believe that now.

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“Plants are often considered static. The words we often use to describe them, ‘rooted,’ is also how we might describe our human belonging to a place. But when I think of seed, of blossom, root, and rhizome, it is movement that I think of.”

—Jessica Lee, Dispersals

gonna need all stirner-heads who think he was an anarchist to read the rest of the young hegelians - not because they outwit stirner or anything - but just so they know what stirner was actually responding to instead of repeatedly injecting their own meaning

i am so routinely frustrated at people who are all "noooo don't interact with wild animals in any way" - i don't understand how anyone can watch the Forward March Of Progress as it eliminates species after species, radically decreasing the biodiversity of ecosystem after ecosystem as it translates all organic production into Value and still say "actually leaving out water for critters is bad" - "actually feeding critters is bad" - "actually talking to critters is crazy"

i promise you, developing a relationship with the life around you will make you see the world in radically new ways and open your eyes to new possibilities, new ways to live that don't push every life but Humanity's to extinction.

here is the discarded THC vape my crows brought me as a gift - it was clearly half buried in the dirt when they found it

i prepared taro root for the first time ever tonight - it didn't turn out quite how i wanted but they were still really tasty!

i feel so swept up in becomings at times its overwhelming

i'm declaring the airshow as an Enemy of Critters and demanding they pay for the damages of sending my dog into the same freakout mode that fireworks do

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watched The Neverending Story for the first time tonight - a very cute story about the power of art and hope.

you mean to tell me you can fly ear ripping machines made to go beyond twice the speed of sound over large populated areas and not even for anything useful? just for an excuse to sell overpriced beer?

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i've been busy all day so i haven't been able to talk about it yet but!!!

the crows delivered a discarded thc-vape cartridge to my porch where i feed them!

sometimes you just gotta hit em with the columbo doobie

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A small congregation of exiles.