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growing up christian, i remember the teachings about Jesus and Pontius Pilate, about the other people Jesus was arrested and held with being "robbers" - i didn't realize some translations call the "robbers" "revolutionaries" and "insurrectionists" and "rebels" and "one who had taken part in an uprising

among us and its clones typically don't have anywhere near the same tension this game does. the necessity of voice chat and the inclusion of non-slackers to have slacker tasks is so fun

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dale and dawson is genuinely one of the most fun games of its kind

i want to interact with people at "home" not have it clouded out by publications and info-bots and activism. it would be so nice to look at the curated collection of each of those on their own.

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the main 2 features i want that hometown has are "local-only posts" and lists that don't need you to follow the person on your list

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so i really need to update this instance; i want to move us from the base masto to a hometown instance, but the last time i tried i broke everything.

i'm thinking what i should do is try to install hometown fresh and then import the data from here into *that* database. probably still at this url? not entirely sure if that's a reasonable route but i should probably work on that today.

i should really have a library card lmao

doe boosted

oh shit! apparently tomorrow a collection of unreleased Foucault lectures is going to drop! definitely going to have to check that out!

it's announced as covering the period 1975-1980 and delivered in the US and Brazil

i also want to try to connect some socialities. to see what worlds are waiting to be born, even just between people.

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i'm going to need to learn a lot of new skills. i've been working on my plant identification and bird identification (since that's the closest life i have to me living in the outskirts of this city). but i need to move it to the next step. i need to start collecting seeds, collecting samples, running my own personal tests on them. i've got a few plants pressed into a notebook of mine, which i intended to use for plant identification moving forward. i think that's a good idea moving forward.

i've got a collection of about 100 crow feathers i've collected over the last couple years - i want to sew them into an outfit that i then imbue with the relationship to the crows.

i want to figure out a good way to map out differing scales of interactions in a particular space, boundaries between spaces, etc. that one is really stumping me. i think it might necessarily be a collective project.

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In all of my universe I have seen no law of nature, unchanging and inexorable.

i left something out of the tiqqun quote above this D&G quote. let's produce the quote in full now:

"But for the time being the petty-bourgeois terror of language still reigns uniformly. On the one hand, in the "everyday" sphere, PEOPLE tend to think things are just words, that is, that they are, supposedly, what they are - "a cat is a cat," "a coin is a coin," "I am I." On the other, as soon as the impersonal (PEOPLE) has been subverted and language suddenly becomes a potential agent of disorder within the clinical reality of the already-known, PEOPLE project that regularity out into all the cloudy regions of "ideology," "metaphysics," "literature," or, more commonly, "small talk."

However, there have been and will be insurrectionary moments where, under the effects of a flagrant derangement of the everyday, common sense will overcome that terror. PEOPLE will then perceive that what is real about words isn't what they designate - a cat is not "a cat," a coin is - less than ever - "a coin," and I am not "myself." What is real about language is the operation it carries out. Describing some being as an apparatus, or as being produced by an apparatus, is a practice of denaturing the given world, an operation of taking a step back from what is familiar to us, or wants to be considered so. And you know it."

Notice the use of Common Sense here; in D&G, there is no "faculty for the centralization of information" - there is no "common sense" - in Tiqqun, Common Sense is supposed to close the distance between us and what's around us. It's supposed to penetrate through the "petty bourgeois" veil.

But is it not that the petty bourgeois veil is, in truth, the closest we have to common sense? hasn't the world already been ordered for us? aren't we going to have to develop an incredibly un-common sense? a sense specific to our assemblages?

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or, more on the specifically deleuzian side of things:

"When the schoolmistress instructs her students on a rule of grammar or arithmetic, she is not informing them, any more than she is informing herself when she questions a student. She does not so much instruct as "insign," give orders or commands. A teacher's commands are not external or additional to what he or she teaches us.


The elementary unit of language
the statement — is the order-word. Rather than common sense, a faculty for the centralization of information, we must define an abominable faculty consisting in emitting, receiving, and transmitting order-words.

Language is made not to be believed but to be obeyed, and to compel obedience.


Language is not life; it gives life orders. Life does not speak; it listens and waits. 4 Every order-word, even a father's to his son, carries a little death sentence—a Judgment, as Kafka put it."

-D&G, A Thousand Plateaus, Postulates of Linguistics

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"People tend to think things are just words, that is, that they are, supposedly, what they are - "a cat is a cat," "a coin is a coin," "I am I.
However, there have been and will be insurrectionary moments where... people will perceive that what is real about words isn't what they designate - a cat is not "a cat," a coin is - less than ever - "a coin," and I am not "myself."

What is real about language is the operation it carries out."

-Tiqqun, A critical metaphysics could emerge as A science of Apparatuses

the other day i posted about thinking about how i want to dedicate my time moving forward - but i didn't really have an answer, and i still don't.

what i know is that i want to draw connections. i want to learn how things have been connected, both the "proper" connections and the connections others call "tainting". i want to see the connections between even disparate localities. i want to explore the gaps between translations. there are so many gifts out there, waiting to be found, waiting for a new connection to be drawn.

my digital ocean info says i pay for 80+100gbs wtf

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A small congregation of exiles.