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just some notes on the article:

okay it starts by working to establish sociality among animals, notions of "elaborate social structures" with some examples and then quoting a researcher (Kleindorfer) who tells us about the information stored in a call between geese

oh god, hearing this researcher talk about their experience is painful
"Early in her education, as an undergraduate at the University of Pennsylvania, she was taught that “male songbirds sing, females don’t, and if females do sing it’s an error.”"
academia's notion of animals has been so fucked for so long it's nice to see someone breaking out of that.

ooooh Kleindorfer presents distinct responses to different warning calls by warbler chicks to adult warblers.
""If I put a snake nearby, the parental alarm call made the chicks in the nest jump... If I put a marsh harrier”—a hawklike predatory bird—“nearby, the response to the parental alarm call was that the chicks would duck.” The chicks were responding appropriately to different alarm calls—a satisfying finding."

then she reports that they have findings of fairy wrens singing to their eggs! (incubation calls) and says that the babies' "begging calls" matched an element from the mother's calls, which they use to say that birds learn their "mother tongue" while still in ovo.

the article suddenly references an "MIT Computational Linguist" who is just like "no they're not talking like we talk" which is really weird for the article but the narration seems to go back to "we've tried to separate ourselves from non-human animals... we should see what the birds have to say about that" so i'm at least thankful for that.

now we shift, Mythology, stories, and the ways birds show up in them, their "divine" or "perfect" language transmitting things to gods. they denigrate imitation here as "not understanding" - all i can think of are the birds who have been taught to describe things (most notably the bird Apollo)


i've run out of space here, moving on to a second post

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ah, i see, a newyorker article was published yesterday, that's what that post was referring to

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a while back i was trying to collect certain published articles on animal intelligence and animal speech but i stopped. i should really pick that back up again. i just came across someone talking about articles published recently about decoding animal language.

yearning for local-only posts

let me talk to my peeps on here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm just saying the refrain of "i'm against religion because i'm against all false realities" really falls flat when you examine "religion" as a category at all

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i wonder how the Brent Nongbri book "Before Religion" would be received

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i think i'd like to do a religion thread on here some time. a way to whet my writing, which i've put off for too long. i'd want it to be opening up some of the repetitions i see in the discourses of ostensibly left critics (like anarchists)

picking a gender mark where i live is so easy holy shit

i have figured out the secret to mastodon engagement

if you're an academic who doesnt make their papers widely accessible for free you can not complain about your fellow citizens "not following the science"

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cant believe how they tricked us all into thinking we dont deserve to be able to make and share our own copies of information

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Hey! Are you publishing an academic text?


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HEY! Are you a University Student? Do you have access to databases of published papers?


gonna centralize some of the tools people have mentioned in replies here

"Shiroi" :

"HTTrack" :

"Archive Box" :

"SingleFile" : (there's versions for other browsers out there too)

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maybe i need to start trying to go to local shows again like i did as a kid....

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note to self per a bit of discourse i saw; how do we get organized labor of dirty fuel to fight for better clean fuel positions? how do we bridge those worlds without asking people to sacrifice themselves on the altar?

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A small congregation of exiles.