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okay after a break i finished the movie and what the fuck

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its like i can feel the director saying "just turn your head and say whatever you want we'll figure it out later, the important thing is that we can't see your lips"

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aunt may just said "with great power comes great responsibility" and now i'm pretty sure she's going to die and peter is doing the worst ADR i've seen in quite some time

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gonna be real, a lot of the villains lines with each other and spider-man feel like they were recorded before any scene context existed. there's just such a big disconnect between what they're saying.

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somewhere in the discourse between himself and the villains of prior eras one of the villains goes "you could've just left us to die, why didn't you?"

and MJ answers, "because that's not who he is" with a large pause that follows while peter stares at her (indicating we should care about that line)

and i gotta be real you gotta earn lines that on the nose - putting it in the first half of the movie, before the movie is even approaching a climax, makes me wince in an embarrassed pain.

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the movie is a discourse with the past (the meta past of spider-man movies, which we experienced, and the characters did not), the movie's central conceit is that spider-man's past villains are failures of spider-man's character.

it introduces the villains in 2 sets (goblin/doc ock & electro/sandman... the lizard is introduced somewhere between the two) with little action scenes so that for the rest of the movie they can be locked up, confined, not to acts in the world, but to discourse with spiderman, as if in his own mind. (though, brought into reality via multi-dimensional magic)

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oh GOD "i'm something of a scientist myself" shut uppppppppppppp

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doe boosted

does anyone talk about the fact that we had a few months there where parents were like, actively (able to) watch their kids get educated (via zoom classes) in a way that's never really happened before?

has anything come of that?

like the scene with norman osborne struggling with green goblin - the mask hung on the dumpster like the scene where its hung from his chair from the raimi spiderman. completely uninteresting in substance.

norman seeming like a "crazy homeless person" pleading with aunt may about how people live in his house and how his son doesn't exist and how he "loses himself sometimes... someone else is in control sometimes" - that's much more interesting.

i'm a little under halfway through we'll see where this goes

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this movie is "rememberry the movie" - every time it stops being a rememberry it gets a little more interesting

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had to check a list of mcu movies - i havent watched anything since "phase 3" - this morning i'm watching "spideman no way home"

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webfishin with my friends has genuinely been so relaxing we need more games like this.

doe boosted

okay so it can boost posts it's seen before, but not ones it hasn't. straightforward.

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A small congregation of exiles.