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DemonMama boosted

Demon Mama is about to do a stream on Mastodon over on YouTube for anyone interested. You can follow her on Mastodon (@DemonMama) and I've put a link in this post to the video which starts in around 5 minutes.

#YouTube #Streaming #Mastodon

I am feeling so refreshed and excited for the future. Going shooting tomorrow, I'll post some pics so you can see me and the critters in COMMUNITY DEFENSE MODE :D

we are building the biggest psychic lance the world has ever seen, pointed directly at the parasite class and with any luck we will be the ones to finally fucking pull the goddamn trigger

DemonMama boosted

Hi, I'm GayFesh, a #YouTube media reviewer! I do weekly reviews of #StarTrek, #StarWars, #MCU, and other such content.

I also have a #podcast called The Rest of Both Worlds where my cohost watches #StarTrekTNG for the first time.

I'm also a #queer leftist and talk a lot of #politics on social media.

I also write #music, both for my channel and for others. If you watch @DemonMama I wrote her main channel theme as well as "The Bathroom Song" among others.


Today's stream was an absolute BANGER. what a thrill. had a lot of fun with the imps damnnn

DemonMama boosted


So twitter's "amnesty" program is set to happen this week, which means the post/engagement quality is likely to continue to degrade

I can't speak for anyone else but in addition to rapid decline of technical function on this site, my mentions and timeline have become even worse


First ever proper stream announce on Mastodon! 4pm PST today!

Colorado Murderer's Dad goes BONKERS on LIVE TV, Kanye throws in with Nazi Nick, Wokescold "Drama" and more

PLUS a little tutorial on Mastodon for newcomers (especially my lovely imps!)

Go press notify, pretty please!


The only thing I can do right now is channel my anger and fears into action. The constant deluge of hate, the constant signals of the rapid acceleration towards war and death terrifies me and it makes me feel like a failure every time I see my loved ones fall into sadness because of this endless hate.

I am such a pale ghost of what I wish I was, of what I need to be. Most of the time I'm just desperately clambering together whatever I can to keep going forward. I had lofty dreams of being an "artist" but mostly what I do now is desperately try to get my message out by any means in the hopes that I can deter the worst outcome possible. I don't know that I'll ever be able to muster the brainspace to create anything artistically lasting...but maybe I can at least ensure the next gen of trans ppl can do so.

Wokescolds/Lefty Infighting 😈 

this is a big ol crosspost from my twitter. fuck twitter holy god its bad

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Wokescolds/Lefty Infighting 😈 

One of the most interesting and imo gross repeated tactics I see employed in the most toxic corners of the "left" is this tactical erasure of identity:

openly nonbinary trans woman becomes "Straight White Person" when convenient to building a narrative

I find it a very weak and cowardly tactic, especially because its most avid users (tankies and wokescolds) will never own what they're doing, even though its beyond obvious

I think this type of tactic was more popular and effective at some point, but I think it's actually contributed to people becoming incredibly numb to conversations about identity. It actually contributes to the weakening of conversations addressing serious identity based issues!

like theyre never technically lying. A white trans woman who is nonbinary + dates excl. masc spec people is, technically a "white straight person" but there is a tactical removal of context that exists only to manipulate the framing

ppl play demented mental games on social media

they DO love to tactically ignore your pronouns tho when it becomes convenient, which kinda shows their hand right?

their convictions are flimsy and will be discarded whenever it becomes convenient to scrabble for a perceived drop of moral high-horse clout

I wish Kojima was here on Mastodon. I'm such a massive Kojima fangirl its unbelievable. Anyway, here's a screenshot from Death Stranding's photo mode I'm very proud of:

Go play Death Stranding, its a genuine masterwork of art.

Holy hell, my YouTube Channel jumped by well over 100 subs since yesterday alone. Finally, finally breaking through the plateau. how exciting!

BTW for those of you who are blissfully unaware of what's going on on twitter, the funniest outcome (and also worst outcome) is likely to happen next week:

Elon is going to reinstate tons of permabanned accounts over the course of the week.

NO MEMES. its real

DemonMama boosted

Nearly assembled my full range bag. Got my critters their new hearing and eye protection, refreshed all my gun cleaning stuff.

We're not gonna lie down.

A small congregation of exiles.