@exiliaex It was very yummy, and didn't conflict with my weird food hangups

Did you know? Some airlines let you bring along a pillow that doesn't count against your one personal item limit. They don't specify it can't be a sex pillow

@destroy The Left doesn't need armored vehicles, it needs Toyota Hiluxes

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The Menu spoilers 

@gayfesh It's just a technique to build tension

@theserfstv I'm trying to get into the habit of posting here first or not at all

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The reason one of the oldest and most commonly reinforced rules of my community is "only raid with love" is because most of the time, sharing love is a very effective way to encourage mutual, healthy growth and connection between communities, while online conflict rarely accomplishes anything.

I want my followers to only engage in conflict online when it really matters. When it is not wasteful or damaging to the things that matter, which includes them and their emotional well being. I'd rather spend my time encouraging them to support the people they believe in and are inspired by.

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Earlier this year a relatively prominent right winger posted a picture of my friend to farm outrage from his cretinous followers. A few larger accounts boosted it, one going so far as to equate queer people to mutants. I'd already been gaining an interest in Magneto. Specifically I was interested in how, over the character's history, liberal authors failed repeatedly to provide any logical counterpoint to Magneto when his argument is well-focused: you cannot liberate from within an authoritarian system. It must have someone underfoot. Often the only way to make Magneto the misguided option is to frame him as *too* extreme (which works for liberal povs) or, insidiously, make him an Authoritarian and allege that his mission of liberation actually makes him similar to Nazis who destroyed his family. 2022 was the year of Magnetoposting. A year of refusing sympathy for those who wish to kill me and those like me. The 2000 film features Magneto warning Charles that a war is coming, but this overlooks the history of extreme violent persecution states have wielded against minorities. That may not meet the definition of war, but all of us under the crushing heel should really start considering it one. I already know what posting style will represent next year, and look forward to writing about it soon. Until then, remember these: You deserve to live. You deserve food and shelter and clothing and leisure, and you deserve to do it all as your authentic self. Criminality largely exists as a justification to withhold these from you. Reject the framing. Build communities of support and love. Fight your oppressors. Do not give in, do not surrender. Things are gonna get worse in a lot of ways but everything you need is in those you support. They'll never kill all of us; we're born every day.

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2022 was a year in transgender rights victories. It was a very hard year, but we fought even harder. I list the victories we won in 2022.

Let's make 2023 even better. Please subscribe to support my work.

And name your own I may have missed!


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NEW VIDEO: "Avatar Was Always Good"

the winds are changing, and I am here to face them

WATCH ↪️ youtu.be/DdpSXx_V4y0

@exiliaex We should get you some full noise cancelation headphones. Actually that reminds me, my earplugs came with a spare set, they're in a tiny plastic bag to the right of my keyboard. You're free to use them, they won't block the sound but they will normalize the volume

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@exiliaex They expected one of us in the wreckage, sister

@gayfesh Imagine what the last three months must have felt like for Rian Johnson, watching every development on Twitter just prepare people more and more for his conclusions in Glass Onion

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As queers and exiles of all kinds, remember that it's up to us to preserve the memory our love and living practices.

Many of us had no practices instilled in us by any queers in our lives, since many of us grew up in an era without queer elders, without a history being communicated by anyone trusted in our lives. Instead, many of us were struggling alone against the heavily Christian-coded practices of capitalist, consumerist hegemony.

We had to develop our own practices.
To keep ourselves and each other safer.
To accept and express ourselves.
To develop community, and love.

It's up to us to protect the memory of these practices, their living history. We cannot expect our memory to be kept by the textbooks of machine that produces workers.

We keep the memory of our love, our life, alive.

And we have the power to do more than those that came before us, so that those after us can walk with our knowledge, our failures.

Celebrate around shrines of your love. Let them burn as bright as your heart.

Build temples of rest for exiles. Let them be sanctuaries of self-acceptance as endless becomings.

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A small congregation of exiles.