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Watching Black Dynamite while waiting for FF7 to install maybe being bedridden isn’t the worst

This was supposed to be a reply but I keep fucking up replies on this app so if you see this take it personally

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@idlematts yeah that’s… very different from Theravada monastics. Even lay people who take the Five Precepts aren’t supposed to drink!


Yeah coming from a Theravada experience, with the novice handbook having literally hundreds of rules, it’s definitely different.


Posting is usually very frivolous. Gossip and such. I know there’s Bhikkhu on social media but it seems very… regulated?

I think I hurt my back at work but it’s my lower back and I’m not really sure what to do about it

@socialistdogmom @AnarchoDoggo

If you haven’t heard any anarchists discussing attacking the power grid you’re not hanging out with the right people.

@idlematts will you still be posting after ordination? How does that align with Right Speech?

I made a twitter post about this same thing!!

Are my replies broken? When I click on my replies I can’t see what post they’re in response to and when I click on the post I can’t see my replies?

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A small congregation of exiles.