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@vriska it tasted good cold so it will taste better after cooking

@vriska so a couple of days ago I had a barbecue. Afterwards there was a ton of leftover corn and salsa that I made out of roasted veggies. So I’m making soup with that and beans and veggie broth. It’s vegan, but I also have leftover pork shoulder I can add for a treat.

@HeavenlyPossum @Asbestos @hannu_ikonen Yes of course I am. How do you think being beat down manifests in personal behavior? The people who answer the surveys are willing to make statements like that one in surveys why wouldn’t they do that on their social media sites?

@HeavenlyPossum @hannu_ikonen @Asbestos 66% of non-voters believe that “Voting in elections has little to do with the way that real decisions are made in our country.” Whereas 45% of voters believe that.

@hannu_ikonen @HeavenlyPossum @Asbestos 53% of nonvoters believe that it makes no difference who is president, whereas only 24% of voters believe that

@hannu_ikonen @Asbestos @HeavenlyPossum The majority say one of these three things: they aren’t interested in politics, they don’t like the candidates, or that their votes don’t matter

@HeavenlyPossum @hannu_ikonen @Asbestos But the majority of nonvoters polled saying they won’t vote cuz their vote doesn’t matter is essential to the conversation because non-voters are concentrated in low income and non-White populations

@Asbestos @hannu_ikonen @HeavenlyPossum are you not reading the articles posted in the comments you reply to?

@eris man i just liked how she sang Numb now i gotta learn this shit

@freon @vriska I’d ask for money but there’s no way I can make up for half of the rent with donations so I just am gonna hope my roommates pull through

@Asbestos @hannu_ikonen @HeavenlyPossum so the majority of Iraqis are in a position to not care what the outcome is?

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A small congregation of exiles.