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@nyx @cybertailor @mold it literally was fine just a year ago but now it’s just discourse

@eris feels like an excuse for people to downplay the role of global warming and just blame mystic forces like that televangelist guy did with Katrina

@exiliaex mine is a kind of mix cuz I just use one account thanks to premium family plan

@ZiaNitori a mattock would probably work better. They usually have a better cutting edge

@vriska ima be real wit u chief… that’s absolutely lana behavior

@jake2 @FinalOverdrive do you really think white trans women are mostly programmers? The white trans women I know in real life are unskilled and constantly homeless

@julieofthespirits @adrienne @kobld @waitworry there’s no way they could stay in the church with behavior like that so idk what Mormon even means to them

@eris @nyx @voidandnil my boyfriend is a bisexual who usually isn’t with women so I like how we don’t have to be heteronormative

@alissaazar my friend is just hunkering down in Tyre and trying to weather it like 06

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A small congregation of exiles.