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@ZiaNitori @DemonMama idk I just have an actual animosity towards men that I feel is pretty justified 🤷‍♀️

@rose this is just a toll road but more expensive!!

I need to start meditating again… probably calisthenics too

@dangerdyke @eris yeah you were raped but imagine if you were raped AND BLACK. Maybe you don’t have it so bad 😏

@sinistrist i wanna be a troll street samurai who invested all my points into reflex and agility and is only incidentally gigantic and strong.

@eris all I want is for humans to stop being Star Trek and Star Wars humans please

@eris I like scifi or fantasy where humans are the odd ones out. Where everyone is hexapedal except for humans or most species are arthropods or they’re herbivores or something. Humans aren’t the midrange jack of all trades, we’re the weirdly specialized freaks. Universe where we’re the giant omnivores like bears and everyone else are small carnivores like cats, dogs, and raptors. Universe where we’re the only hot-blooded major species so we can’t do cryogenics like everyone else and are the long distance generation crews for all their ships.

Calling someone at the bar a shitgibbon cockwombler and he throws his glass on the ground and asks if I want to take this outside while his friends hold him back

@eris we got papa murphy’s and made some pizzas!

We finally got a new oven! It doesn’t quite fit, but being able to bake things is so good!

@sinistrist @nyx a dyson sphere is actually the highest expression of love between the two

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A small congregation of exiles.