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here is the discarded THC vape my crows brought me as a gift - it was clearly half buried in the dirt when they found it

sometimes you just gotta hit em with the columbo doobie

calling out "anybody hear me" and hearing someone answer "i hear you" in Death Stranding genuinely gives my heart a warm feeling

speaking of Against the Grain, i think Hideo Kojima may have been Scott-pilled, judging from this message i got in Death Stranding

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redrafting this because i misunderstood:

after losing a lawsuit, CompactMag, headed by Nina Power, had their logs leaked as part of the lawsuit.

i was under the misunderstanding that a victim of Nina's harassment sued her - i have since discovered it was the other way around! after harassing a "Luke Turner" to the point that he called her and her compatriot Daniel Miller fascists, they decided to sue Luke for libel! which revealed their messages in which they admit to being straight up neo-nazis!

been reading some of the critical scientific literature on invasion biology that was linked to me and the framing of these is so petty

thank you "BasedOmniMan" for giving me such a palpable example of why i'm suspicious of this terminology!

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any autistic baddies wanna plug in and do some p2p transfers with me

cw: lots of little bugs 

look at all these little critters!!! (ladybug adults, ladybug larvae, aphids)

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i love seeing critters remember gifts given to them and returning the favor! mutuality is really so beautiful i love being alive i love my relationships with all the different critters and plants in my life i want to take them all so much further

look at how they spit in the face of values of freedom and cooperation in the name of democracy. and then to claim the locals' 'violent response' is a sign of dark hours ahead.

on the contrary - dark hours were brought on by the violent colonial project of indigenous genocide.

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maybe it's just me, but i don't think the French should be importing police to a tiny island nation to stop the locals from rioting against deepening French control of the island - especially at the expense of the indigenous population

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A small congregation of exiles.