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shout out to Fern Gully for having a lil gay puppy boy who learns to be a fairy be one of the main characters

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"Somebody is radicalizing out students" Deputy Commissioner of Operations Kaz spoke after NYU and New School raid, "we will find out who that is".

"somebody is radicalizing our students - it can't possibly be the consequences of our actions! our Order is perfect! there's a parasite! that's it! we have to kill the parasite! our Order wouldn't have problems if there wasn't an Outsider that needs to be Brought To Justice"

if our society is "for the people" and "by the people" why is it every time people organize to actually coordinate a collective experience of the world these Armed Outsiders show up to cause problems?

here's the full quote for anyone curious.
its from The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State

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stealing this from my buddies over at Machinic Unconscious Happy Hour

i'm planning on publishing something on Autonomy (as a principle of self-organization) and i'm pulling a lot from the italian-variant of Autonomists. in particular i'm pulling from the book Autonomia: Post-Political Politics and there's this one section, which is kind of unnerving, that i just still don't quite get

(no alt-text, too much text)

what i think i sounded like: "well you see like, there are characteristics and then there are extrinsic relations, right? and each set of extrinsic relations composes you as a power and part of a power, right?"

what i sounded like to the auto-transcript-generator:

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I also really loved this bit about their family's morning ritual and the author's transforming relationship to that ritual

(I can't fit this bit into text so here's some screenshots)

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apparently there's been an "anti-furry" bill introduced. it threatens to call Animal Services on children who "anthropomorphize"

sabine when she's asked how she feels about minorities

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A small congregation of exiles.