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@eris @bikeshed yeah! i had been streaming for too long with people asking for pdf's to certain pieces i was referencing so i figured i'd just start hosting everything myself, and if people want a book i'll go digging til i find one to host for them.

@bikeshed @eris it's a little more complex than that; he's not like "vaccines will give you autism" he's more like "look, here's another example of what i've been writing about, the crisis as the site in which the Sovereign decides the State of Exception, in which he can suspend the law, and the normal state of things, on the basis of "protecting" that very law, in order to govern a population towards its ends."

though, i will say, i do not agree with all of his takes regarding covid-19 and the state response, and i definitely don't agree with all of his rhetoric regarding it; oftentimes utilizing language and reference to the holocaust (the site of the state of exception par excellence) far more than i would personally like to defend.

@eris @bikeshed a lot of the ideas mentioned in Tiqqun's writings are expanded on by the philosopher Giorgio Agamben who i also recommend

@eris @bikeshed i like both journals, there's some great stuff in the first one (Silence and Beyond is real good) but they really shine in the second journal, Intro to CW being my personal favorite.

@bikeshed @eris some of their stuff is definitely a miss but Intro to Civil War and the Cybernetic Hypothesis are both bangers. Intro to CW is 10/10

@eris @bikeshed wait, which tiqqun have you read, both journals?

@socdoneleft @Mithaldu @pojntfx also, i like the idea of instance-only posts the way i run my instance, which is that it's for the people who i actually know personally, mostly irl. so being able to get out a message to those people without it being a direct message or whatever is nice.

@socdoneleft @Mithaldu @pojntfx lmfaoooo, i've been bested.

anyways nah, not AWs, i use digital ocean's webhosting, though, i've considered trying to make my own serverbox to install masto on at home.

@socdoneleft @Mithaldu @pojntfx hey! i vote! i'm 25 and until this past year (which was only due to address issues) i've voted every couple years!!

but i completely agree; i want both end users and admins to have more granular control over instances.

currently i'm picking between

one of the main features i was looking for was the ability to make instance-only posts (something eugen strongly disagress with) but there are other things i wanted like better list management, certain threading modes and different kinds of toot-types so they can be presented differently (like, for example, articles) collapsible toots, etc

hosting instances will cost different things depending on the number of users/speed/activity of users. if you kept it small and private you could probably skirt by with getting webspace at about 20 dollars a month or so and a cheap domain name for 5-10 bucks a year.

im keeping mine pretty small but it costs me about 60 bucks a month for the way i have it set up

@Mithaldu @socdoneleft @pojntfx eugen has silly and bad ideas about how certain things on the fediverse should work, and, personally, i think he should be disregarded (i'm actively in the process of updating my instance to a fork away from the original masto source so that i have more functionality, functionality that eugen thinks shouldn't be part of masto) but, absolutely, what you've said makes perfect sense

@intransitivelie my goblin posts are too secret for you, traveler. hide in the inns, the shadows of the mountains are teeming with posts so goblin they would eat your entire family. be grateful you haven't seen the goblin posts i've seen.

@socdoneleft @pojntfx

according to this, the issue *has* been solved before by someone, but it was dropped due to "nitpicking in the comments"

a new philosophy" its just gonna be fascism isn't it

Philosophy; Oaths and Demons 

@Provinto Break an oath and you'll find out.

Philosophy; Oaths and Demons 

Every spoken oath comes with an unspoken demonic pact.
A summoning of demons, hoping and waiting for the oathbreaking moment.

@roundtit if you start some hobbes lemme know, i need a good excuse to read him

Walter Benjamin; History, Hope 

"The only writer of history with the gift of setting alight the sparks of hope in the past, is the one who is convinced of this: that not even the dead will be safe from the enemy, if he is victorious.
And this enemy has not ceased to be victorious."

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A small congregation of exiles.