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okay so i'm trying to go through some of the history of indigenous treaty land ceding in washington and i really wish they gave more explanation on this bit about the governing structures of the social body

gettin real frustrated looking at Washington's reservation maps

one of the biggest ones is that i'm thinking about driving out to and/or reaching out to some of the reservations around here

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i wanna contact different kinds of places and orgs to start building networks of connections to people who need help and who are willing to help but i also dont want to be annoying and come off as having anything approaching a savior complex or anything like that. i dont want to waste their time. i want to learn and share what i can.

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building the networks for mutualistic relationships is so hard these days music is such a beautiful offering to other life

i keep a can of cat food in my purse. i used to carry nuts for birds and other small critters. i should consider my offerings...

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@kkarhan that usually works for a curious kitty, but i think your mileage will vary with other critters

if a critter comes by and you wish for its favor, how could you gain it without an offering?

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@agreedyboi they're Rousseauians. they're always Rousseauians. marxists who have nothing to do with marx are always philosophically Rousseauian and Economically Lassallean

doe boosted

@gayfesh tfw i'm trying to be chaste for the Lord but she looks at me like this

i was so sure i'd have to go to the doctor to get my appendix removed but, 24 hours later and i'm not in any pain

this really needs the foucauldian critique of science as-an-institution's power-effects

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this has gotta be the most overinflated description of "emergence" i've ever heard

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oh my god the end to this is so much worse than i thought it would be lmfao

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A small congregation of exiles.