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re: politics; marxists 

@errante the lumpen aren't the bad guys, they just aren't, functionally, to capital-society, the same kind of position. as a class, their interests tend to culminate differently. i personally tend to lean towards the lumpen side of this, if we're using a marxist formulation, but i don't think a marxist formulation is the only useful one here (and plenty of marxists *don't* think lumpen are "counter-revolutionary, just so you know)

re: politics; marxists 

@errante is there such a thing as a rotten fruit or vegetable? is there still purpose in categorizing apples together even if some apples are rotten? i think so. the proletariat isnt 'the good guys' its just a class descriptor.

re: politics; marxists 

@errante its not in opposition to lumpen, thats not really accurate to his version

re: politics; marxists 

@errante wait what? marx argues for the proletriat to abolish itself. its description as the proletariat is a descriptor, not a prescription

re: politics; marxists 

@errante i share some with marxists and think there are useful aspects of different marxists' political thoughts, most notably marx's. i dont think theres anything wrong with that. i think its useful for understanding the world. sorry if you dont, but i dont share the qualities i described previously. using marxist concepts occasionally is not at all what i was describing.

re: politics; marxists 

@errante thats rude

politics; marxists 

you cant delegitimize all political activity that doesnt take the form of electoralism, delegitimize all violence that isnt from the state, advocate a regulation of the social body by direct control of the organs of the proletariat, and follow nationalists like Lasalle and Kautsky, and then be surprised when people notice that youre not exactly offering a picture of liberation

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politics; marxists 

the center-marxist DSA group that centers around cosmonaut are the best example how orthodox marxism can become indistinguishable from fascism via figures like kautsky

@eris it's not like a super unique game. the style has existed for a while of course. but it's got a fair bit of polish and a bit of exploration with what the different combinations of weapons can do in diff configurations

@eris vampire survivors is a very good game that requires low mental-activity but high levels of tactile engagement.

it's great to have on while you're trying to focus on like a podcast or stream or video essay or something like that.

@gayfesh yeah that's one of the few genuine laughs of 4, imo. 3 actually has a lot of funny moments in it (unfortunately some are made lesser by 4 if you've seen 4 first)

in a franchise of complete and utter garbage, Scary Movie 3 is a funny movie

doe boosted

damn, even winning dubs on twitter doesn't feel half as fun as it used to

i've run into this very young homeless girl a couple times around here and i've helped her out a little bit, but i wish i could do more. the last time i saw her i gave her my number and told her to reach out if she needed anything.

its frustrating how difficult our world makes it to help struggling people in substantial ways.

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A small congregation of exiles.