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@agreedyboi i wish we could have more people who were ready to answer that question in a way that negates its false premises

@FawnOverFun did you know, Romans were the first and last people to ever encounter the serpent people of the surrounding waters

@eris have you ever seen a girl skeleton before? i didnt think so. all skeletons are boys

@voidandnil yeah, but not because of transphobic reasons, but because all skeletons are boys

when youre not paying attention im gonna talk to your skeleton and hes gonna tell me what you really are

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The Ritual of Capitalization – Economics from the Top Down

"Finance does not describe our social world. Finance defines it. Finance outlines the rituals whereby capitalists impose order onto society, turning the qualities of ownership into a single quantity."

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if youre named
please hmu

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@lethargilistic there seem to be some pretty cool pieces by this center, thanks for the link!

@lethargilistic i'm asking on behalf of someone else, quoting them

"my history of IP is shaky at the moment; I'm aware of the broad strokes, but intellectual property has a lot of different facets, all of which have their own histories. As such, I'm looking for books and articles that go over that history in more detail, i.e when those laws were passed and why.
In addition, if you have articles that talk about what the world might look like without IP, that would also be cool. It helps to be able to give people alternatives."

when are they gonna make bikes that have that purple game boy see-through effect

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when are they gonna make cars that have that purple game boy see-through effect

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does anyone know any good books on the history of copyright or intellectual property?

@sinistrist its just an aesthetic disconnect from how i expect "social media" posts to look.

i don't like everything taking on the Title; Description format of reddit posts used for social media blogging. just personal preference.

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A small congregation of exiles.