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@spencerbeswick this is a cool article! i love to see active incorporation of destituent power into anarchist theory and praxis.

i believe you make a claim at one point that the Invisible Committee was formerly Tiqqun. can i ask what makes you say that? as i understand it they are separate but related groups.

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bias check:
when you use the word 'people' (in whatever language), are you inclusively imagining children under the age of 13? or do they implicitly "not count" in your mind?

@athousandgateaux ugh, i feel this so hard. for some reason my brain can focus just fine on everything except for the things i actually want to focus on.

@mycorrhiza here are some that i think get you a nice range of her views.

Anarchism and Democracy:

Anarchists Are Not Naive About Human Nature:

What Do Anarchists Think About Violence? | Anarchism 101:

How Marx Made Me A Better Person:

Marx and Engels were not Egalitarians:

Means and Ends: The Anarchist Critique of Seizing State Power:

@alive scheduled dancing with people sounds nice~! i hope you have a great time!

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daoism and anarchism 

so a lot of incorrect, ahistorical, and appropriative stuff has been said about daoism and anarchism, but i think there is a important correspondence, which is maybe one of the best parts of both: they state that the way to create any sort of change is to begin with your own life, and transform it into something more aligned with {the true nature of the world, the world you want to see}

an excellent and concise piece on the split that we experience at the hands of this society's normative powers; between ourselves as Flesh and ourselves as Figure. and the self destructive violence of the ever-evolving eugenicist practices.

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i literally cannot figure out what reports to believe about russia rn

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the SAG threatening to strike alongside the WGA is really demonstrating the kinds of things that should be happening like, everywhere, in every industry, all at once. the problems they describe are the same problems every working person in this country is facing right now. this would be a great time for a general strike, i think

@Johnny_nada @agreedyboi yeah that makes sense to my ignorant ears. is there something i could read that could help me understand the credit crunch?

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A small congregation of exiles.