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okay okay apparently they don't. they just sell the encrypted messaging service itself to governments. that's a lot more defensible.

@alive ohhh, okay i understand now. that seems to be the worst possible way they could've worded it. the misunderstanding is too severe.

well, okay, that makes me feel a lot better about them than i did when i thought they were selling users logs

@alive they alsoooo seem to sell the encrypted messages themselves.

@jonulrich yeah, blaming the map itself isn't really my goal. the real problem is, as youve stated it, how we've been conditioned to view borders between peoples. i just think that there have to be better ways to help the map speak such that someone's assumptions are ruptured instead. yknow?

pre-settler indigenous maps are interesting, but far too often they make it appear as if the various tribes had like territorial conceptions of governing and borders and other statist conceptions

someone should make the dunequotes bot good instead of endlessly repeating the same 5 lines

mastodon needs to lose the inter-instance bickering and gain far more interesting bickerings

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Tiqqun: “The deconstructionist, incapable of having an effect on even the smallest detail of his world, being literally almost no longer in the world and having made absence his permanent mode of being, tries to embrace his Bloomhood with bravado. He shuts himself up in that narrow, closed circle of realities that still affect him at all--books, texts, films, and music--because these things are as insubstantial as he is. He can no longer see anything in what he reads that might relate to life, and instead sees what he lives as a tissue of references to what he has already read."

The deconstructionist, yes, but also so many other academics...

From Introduction to Civil War

@DemonMama i cant wait to travel with you next time 💞

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The poutine was sick and so was the coffee

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If we're going to imagine ridiculous hypotheticals that don't impact our lives at all, at least let's go big:

Who would win?

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@hakan_geijer elephant, easy. the monkeys would be bad shots and pistols would struggle to effectivelly slow down the elephant in time. the elephant may die of internal bleeding after the fight.

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"To all the #LGBTqia+ #people who insisted #cops at #Pride are a great thing "for our #protection" and deserve to march and have floats in the #parade despite the people of color in our #community and older #queers in our community talking about police brutality then and now:

Who do you think is going to enforce all the #antitrans and queer #laws that are sweeping the #country?"

:acab: :acab2: :acabkitty: :clowncop: :nocops: :pig_cop: :txt_eff_the_cops:

doe boosted

Absolutely bonkers things are happening right now across the whole of the North Atlantic Ocean — far far outside historical norms.

This should be the front-page news — that fossil fuel executives are making our planetary emergency worse so they can get even richer.

We are in a climate emergency.

@KovuCougar this sounds cool, but i wish it wasn't limited for an age range!

doe boosted

Oh nice. Seattle Public Library has created a membership type for "13 to 26 year olds anywhere in the US" to be able to sign out e and audiobooks as a response to those locales banning books...

"Read the books they don't want you to. That's where the good stuff is." - LeVar Burton

#Seattle #library #censorship #books #reading

doe boosted

I am about to kick some journalists in the nuts real hard.

YOU failed to report on the dire warnings of scientists the past *checks the 6 IPCC reports* 33 years with your bloody "both-sideism" and now it's our fault?

Fuck you, the Hill. Fuck you very very much.

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A small congregation of exiles.