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"The Delaware House is once again set to vote Tuesday on a bill that would allow hundreds of LLCs to vote in local elections in the town of Seaford, pop. 8,500.

The bill was pulled from the schedule last week after receiving national scrutiny — but now it's back"

this seems very not good

@immibis @HeavenlyPossum @rexbron Capitalists (with the help of state powers) simultaneously created the situation in which most people cannot have access to the things they need to survive without selling themselves to others, and, through that, their predictive models for profit tell them that the most profit comes from continuing this exploitation, trying to care as little as possible about peoples needs and instead focusing purely on staying competitive.

if people dont have a way to organize their own lives, then the capitalist gains power from caring as little as possible about peoples needs.

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Let there be no doubt that I am the assemblage of our ancestors, the arena in which they exercise my moments.

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What does it mean to reject the idea of a centralized power structure?

@hush theyre trapped in a world which convinces them domination is good, of course theyre not okay!

this journal (Coils of the Serpent) is really good so whats up with Nina Power being on the Advisory Board?

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📣 Exciting news! Introducing ARCH: Archives Research Compute Hub, a new research service from @internetarchive. Now you can build, access & analyze digital collections at scale. Check out our blog post for all the details: #archives #research

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I admit I'm sceptical about the value of transferring the responsibility of punishing Indigenous prisoners in federal prison to Indigenous communities.

In the context of colonial courts and policing, transferring punishment to communities without giving them actual sovereignty over acceptable behaviour and ways of dealing with conflict seems like a trap.

It's similar to other decarceration ideas, in that it contributes to a deeper separation between the "good" prisoner who participates in their own punishment through so-called rehabilitation and those who refuse or are not given the option. Except it adds in a dimension of community belonging, which leaves it in the hands of the new jailer to define community.

It uses the language of reconciliation but seems like a poison pill.

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if hacking had any impact they'd make it illegal

re: uspol, religious, trauma thoughts 

@smitten thats how i remember it for myself too. childhood was not simple and things did not feel like they were in their proper place. everything felt wrong. often.

uspol, religious, trauma thoughts 

@smitten imo, for a lot of people, childhood was a free and thoughtless time, in which Things Worked The Way They're Supposed To.

that's a very different thing than what we usually think of as "enjoyment." i think they "enjoyed" not having to think about certain things, or not having to worry about certain things. i think they "enjoyed" things feeling like they were in Their Proper Place.

@rose this is who has to federate your posts every time you post. is the fediverse still worth it?

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I keep seeing these posts about "if you can read cursive, help the National Archives digitize old records!"

folks...that is the kind of work someone should get paid for

when you encourage people to give away their labor doing entry-level work in a professional discipline?

you are contributing to the erosion of both wages and respect for that discipline

the federal government ABSOLUTELY has the cash to pay for the work they want done

they're choosing not to and you're helping them 🙄

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@smitten not exactly; bluesky has its own federated protocol which isn't public yet, but which they said, i think, was gonna happen.

some instances which post on the fediverse have the ability to post to multiple different protocols (as opposed to just AcitivityPub) and so some people (me) have been wondering how difficult it'd be to set up an instance that had in its arsenal the bluesky protocol (i think its called ATProtocol)

@spencerbeswick there is a direct through-line. though, Tiqqun still has new pieces published and remains separate.

Tiqqun connects and separates themselves from the term in their piece Intro to Civil War: "At some point, the “Invisible Committee” was the name given to the ethic of civil war expressed in these pages. It refers to a specific faction of the
Imaginary Party, its revolutionary-experimental wing."

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The old world is dying and communes struggle to be born

The commune centers two core components: an anti-individualistic collective bond and a concomitant radical transformation of everyday life. In liberal ideology, which is grounded in the capitalist marketplace, human community is reduced to unmoored individuals who are forever in competition. In the face of this atomization, communes are formed around the desire to carry out collective projects. Communes arise when we transform our relationships with each other and face the world together.

As the Invisible Committee defines it, “what constitutes the commune is the mutual oath sworn. . . to stand together as a body. . . a commune was a pact to face the world together. It meant relying on one’s own shared powers as the source of one’s freedom. What was aimed for in this case was not an entity; it was a qualitative bond, and a way of being in the world.” Communes construct community out of isolation and replace individualism with collective self-determination and well-being. Communes form when groups of individuals attempt to directly “communize” their lives (put them in common) and face the problems of the world together.

. . . Rather than orienting towards seizing and wielding power, networks of communes attempt to secede from power’s grasp and destitute its institutions. Secession does not mean establishing new borders but instead practicing communist forms of life and promoting counter-circulation between a growing archipelago of autonomous territories.

. . . This is how communism is built on a large scale. Territory is inhabited and controlled, the people living within this archipelago of liberated territory establish contact and material links between themselves, learn to provide for their needs, and establish liberated relationships with each other and the land. The means of existence are appropriated and/or collectively constructed. Organic gardens and farms are established to directly feed people, free clinics to heal the sick, and worker cooperatives to produce for the needs of the community rather than profit.

The material construction of another world deprives capitalist state power of its capacity to manage and control us. This is ultimately what the Invisible Committee means by destitution, by “becoming ungovernable.”

Read more in my article "Living Communism: Theory & Practice of Autonomy & Attack"

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A small congregation of exiles.