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@babe i won the favor of my crows by tossing food their way when i saw them. they learned to associate me with the gifts! now i can leave out food for them (in spots i taught them i would leave food) and they'll come get it, even if i'm nearby.

i miss the group of 4 crows that would come visit me. but, there's still 2 that come and see me. one large one small. the small one is still nervous.

i love seeing critters remember gifts given to them and returning the favor! mutuality is really so beautiful i love being alive i love my relationships with all the different critters and plants in my life i want to take them all so much further

@mu i'll try to keep updates on it posted! i'm unsure of where exactly to start but i'm sure i'll stumble my way into something

what i mean is - learning plant identification is obviously useful. but i want to develop a set of reproducible practices which can be passed down, separate from any knowledge of a plant, to safely learn what the plant would be useful for.

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i wanna develop a set of practices i can apply to the plants i find to determine what properties are imbued in them

yesterday was crow/eagle/osprey day - i wonder what we'll see today

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saw some ospreys yesterday flying around the neighborhood - they make funny sounds

look at how they spit in the face of values of freedom and cooperation in the name of democracy. and then to claim the locals' 'violent response' is a sign of dark hours ahead.

on the contrary - dark hours were brought on by the violent colonial project of indigenous genocide.

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maybe it's just me, but i don't think the French should be importing police to a tiny island nation to stop the locals from rioting against deepening French control of the island - especially at the expense of the indigenous population

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"France has declared a state of emergency in its Pacific island territory of New Caledonia and deployed police and military reinforcements in an attempt to end days of unrest over Paris’s move to change the rules governing provincial elections.

"Three Indigenous Kanak people and a police officer have been killed in violence that erupted on Monday night and has continued despite an overnight curfew. Hundreds have been injured."

#NewCaledonia #France #colonialism #Indigenous

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Hubby traveled through Yellowstone National Park today and snapped this pic of a new baby bison. The youthful humans and I stayed in town and worked on coffee tasks.

i just learned about collections of kids organizing protests of end-of-year tests. i know a lot of people are going to pretend like there aren't clear political reasons for kids coordinating struggles but, i hope those interested in liberatory politics are keeping an eye on this stuff.

last night while walking to get some dinner with my partners some lady was walking by and saying stuff to different people as she walked past and when she looked at me she said "ugly people all die"

i got to pet a big steer named Rufus though!!! the handler was like 'rufus means rust colored in latin, so he's a rufus covered rufus!!"

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i'd like to see some non-enclosed critters, but, it's still nice to see people trying their hardest to help the critters that come under their care.

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BIG VIDEO TODAY! My newest video essay is live, and this time we're talking about the Wolfenstein video games as a meditation on fascism and society.

Please check it out, it would mean a lot to me!

i just got back from the zoo and seeing the critters was SO rejuvenating

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A small congregation of exiles.