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@eris though, i have already edited the character limit options myself, but if one of these has the ability to edit it without having to root in that'd be nice

@eris yeah, it seems like it'd be really useful... right now i'm considering either glitch-soc or hometown

cursed thought 

@Sovereign_Beast he probably will, and imo, i think he should. i know a lot of his fans are really fucking annoying but, at the same time, id like that to take on in practice the same way other things have. like lefty streamers having their own sites for their stream, or their own discord servers.

@roundtit i literally don't know i've been trying to figure it out

check out this cool guy i met yesterday when i went to oregon

changing what kind of masto instance im running is probably gonna be a pain... but the ability to set local only posts is too strong...

philosophy, religion, against his-story, against leviathan 

"“Put ye every man his sword upon his thigh, and go to and from from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbor.” And the sons of Levi [they will later form a Defense League] did according to the word of Moses; and there fell of the people that day about three thousand men.

This massacre is the first Holocaust perpetrated in the name of Yahweh. And there is neither human recourse nor human justification. “I am that I am.”"

Above we can see that Fredy Perlman saw this "I am that I am" as one of the many births of dogma, but it is more.

"And God said unto Moses,
say unto the children of Israel,
I AM hath sent me unto you"

This is not just dogma, this is the anarchic basis of all law. All law IS THAT IT IS. All peoples and all practices are only predicated on themselves! There is nothing within the Ark of the Covenant.

This is not a contradiction. Why should it be?

@KevinCarson1 oh! i saw you boosted some services that help with this! thats great. if those dont work out or you need other help with this feel free to reach out.

@KevinCarson1 in all honesty its not very hard. if you can spare the money for a domain name and a bit of webspace (you wont need much if youre the only user) they have fairly simple setups, especially if you have someone help you who has done it before.

@TheBearEXE this brings back the good ole days with the bordiga/xi jinping memes

@KevinCarson1 have you considered hosting your own instance for just yourself? that way no one could defederate you from places you wanted to federate with? that's basically what i'm doing. though my instance is open to a few friends too.

philosophy; Sovereignty, Providence, 

Providence and Sovereignty are united in birth.
The Sovereign grants Providence at the same moment Providence grants Sovereignty. Out from His head Providence oozes.

Providence is the Rule which corresponds to the form; Apparatus of Capture.

The Worldeater promises great futures to them, as long as the Worldeater has more Worlds to consume.

The police and military activities that characterize the maintenance of the Ordered World is an activity that, today, is seemingly separated from its ends. But, when the world is revealed as practice, it becomes apparent as the first musculature of the form-of-life that is the Worldeater.

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damn what an influx of people while i was gone today

driving to portland and its toooo long lmao

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A small congregation of exiles.