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long french poem 

@roundtit this is really beautiful thank you for sharing it

also, a bigger, more enthusiastic hello to all of the not-people; critters, creatures, animals and other entities out there

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wait holy shit i got to 1k followers here? hello people

finally starting to get together an about page

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@socdoneleft the end of that article is *so* fucking funny "i'll read a page of the communist manifesto for every page of milton friedman my daughter reads!"

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@ZiaNitori it definitely is. theres a lot of stuff that id change if i could about the fediverse but it already feels so much better to post here imo is it not a pressure thing? cold causes contraction meaning less pressure meaning less forceful expulsion when "on" yeah?

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The black areas represent the remaining natural dark skies in the United States

@FawnOverFun its important to make sure youre dedicating time to celebrating what you love and appreciate even more than tearing into what you hate. dont burn yourself out.

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EVERYONE ON MASTODON: Hello! I'm Dr. Whitney Appleby, a molecular biologist working on new ways to beat the Pacific Garbage Patch! In my spare time I love reading, hanggliding and playing with my cat. I'm also starting to weave-

ME: *shoving past them* yeah sure where are the dipshits? where are the real assholes around here. perverts, you got any perverts?

@PseudoFaun im not even sure faun and cockhungry princess are different people... you ever see them in the same room together? i havent

Blessings of warmth and love to everyone celebrating the solstice

i wish i could find the translation of this quote i first heard which used the phrase "The economic categories critically presented" but this one will work too

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A small congregation of exiles.