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shoutout to pourover coffee being here for me since the coffee maker broke

@ja_herre i think these are a great starting point at minimum. i use the content warning system the way i should probably use the tagging system and i end up just listing a couple of the main topics that i'm posting about, under a broad header (usually like "philosophy; sovereignty" or whatever)

i think and are great broad headers but i'm sure some new ones will organically arise for anarchists too, will be adopted early and quickly i'm sure tbh

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You need to understand: the average American’s psychological state around sex is indistinguishable from that of a frightened Spanish peasant during the Inquisition

Everything is sexual and nothing is supposed to be. They believe sex jokes are Satan putting his dick in your kids’ ear. They believe nudity alone is mind rape. Sexual innuendo or reference might as well be molestation.

This is also the country where grown men take their daughters to “purity balls” where they slow dance together all night and talk about sexual preservation and making sure you dont break your hymen and become a whore until god has given you a man who will treat you right by isolating you and forcing you to live as a housewife in honor of god.

This country is going to unironically look like the fucking Scarlet Letter if we don’t seriously push back against moral panic induced sexual psychosis.

philosophy; community 

@NickGiraffe thanks for sharing this piece with me! i'm very interested!

philosophy; community 

@NickGiraffe oh, i can see why, we're both pulling quite heavily from similar stuff, especially tiqqun's Introduction to Civil War.

philosophy; community 

Can we imagine the loss of community that must've occurred to produce the man that spoke of The Human Community? An abstract universal, found nowhere but in the way we decide to treat each other and the rest of life.

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philosophy; community 

The Community doesn't exist and it never has.

Community is what exists; shared and experienced between those in contact.

Community is the experience of joy (power, even) found between bodies who are affected towards a particular way. One might say that community is found where two bodies are affected by the same form-of-life.

Never The Community of those who are there, always Community as potential, constantly being realized.

Each time community tries to solidify itself as a subject, as The Community, it finds itself met with its own impossibility, and develops techniques to ward off its own impossibility.

@destroy @lackingsaint i don't know why happiness/hope and accuracy/honesty/truth are at odds here.

i think it's important to be honest, truthful, realistic; to not eschew evidence in favor of naivety. knowing and accepting failures as a possibility is part of being honest with ourselves. but, if we refuse hope and happiness itself, how can we struggle for anything beyond us?

i don't think it'd be "minimizing unnecessary suffering" to tell someone in the lowest lows of their depression that "actually you're totally right, life is worthless, nothing has any meaning, everything is empty, no one loves you, love is just a chemical reaction in the brain" *even* if every single one of those things is "true" to some extent, from a certain point of view.

i think, it'd actually be really harmful to tell someone those things. it wouldn't alleviate their depression, because the framing itself is devoid of hope, devoid of the possibility of change, devoid of the faintest light of happiness, trust, love, that gives meaning to the relationships in our lives, and thus, to our lives.

and, while i can sympathize with the sentiment (that we should avoid unnecessary suffering) i think it's a destructively nihilistic outlook, that takes a hopeless POV as truth because it's easier to accept emptiness than struggle for change.

@lackingsaint i think a lot of people struggle to see life as possibility. instead they see the patterns and assume them unbeatable, unchangeable

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it's really been kind of startling to see people who've been subscribed to me for *years* being like "wtf dude ofc childbirth is evil no idea you felt this way" to the antinatalism video. did I really give off an "anti all life" vibe in my videos??

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if we used to be mutuals please holler at me! I am slowly finding all 7.8 billion of my friends

@Retcon oof what a shitty thing to say, im sorry about that

@eris revolver ocelot? i would kiss him on the mouth

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socialist streamer: @theserfstv

anarchist streamer: @exiliaex

anarchist streamer: @DemonMama

leftist streamer: @JessicaYeenPrincess

socialist comic maker: @PinkWug

socialist comic maker: @9mmBallpoint

leftist activist: @maxberger

leftist activist: @gretathunberg

antifa activists: @UnicornRiot

proglib activist: @ErinInTheMorn

proglib activist: @christapeterson

socialist history: @workingclasshistory

🤓 leftist journalist: @MattBinder 🤓

leftist journalist: @mollyjongfast

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A small congregation of exiles.