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prison abolition 

it doesn't matter whether or not prisons "work" (and oh let's be careful never to define work as anything other than "criminals are stopped from committing more crimes")

It matters that today, our prisons, in our societies, are designed as part of a mega-machine of apparatuses with the goal of killing every way of life so life itself has no form. And in its formless, primeval muck, Labor becomes malleable, directable. It pumps us through its circuitry, to give it life.

We deserve to determine for ourselves the form of our lives.

philosophy; time, form-of-life, monks, 

Monasteries understood this. They knowingly produced their own time for the purposes of coordination between the work of the many monks. And they produced it in a variety of fashions. Sometimes there was a sundial to count the hours in un-regulated fashion, changing with the seasons. Others were to be in prayer at all times, knowing the length of the prayer and the time the prayer took to get through to constantly be keeping time with one another. Others installed complex water clocks to begin to count the hours in regular fashion, with an "objective" outside measurement...

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philosophy; time, form-of-life 

The State is a form-of-life, and it, too, produces its own time. We see this through the creation and distribution of clocks, regulated and scalable intervals. This is just a development of its earliest methods of limb-coordination.

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philosophy; time, form-of-life 

What i mean to say can be summed up as: All forms-of-life produce their own time.

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philosophy; time, form-of-life 

Time is not experienced singularly, as one uninterrupted flow. Nor is it felt the same way between bodies.

A form-of-life, experienced as a form-of-life (that is to say, collectively), produces it's own time by its mechanisms of coordination.
These mechanisms of coordination can be as varied as the individuals of a band relaying their own sensory information between each other or as regulated as the distribution of clocks for the timekeeping of labor.

doe boosted

not that my say goes very far but, i'd like it if "mastodon" wasn't the word that got popularized.

i don't love the word "fediverse" but i wish that was what we could make memetic

doe boosted
doe boosted

cw: csa, pedo-cabal discourse 

theyre those everyday positions of power you try to brush under the rug, every racist uncle and family member you force your kids to hug

you can see pedophilia in a child holding a teddy bear but you cant see it in your own families.

youre not saving kids.
at best youre just using real blood to up the stakes for your internet attention games.
at worst youre trying to get queer people killed.

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cw: csa, pedo-cabal discourse 

the easiest way to tell whether someone actually cares about victims of child sexual assault or whether theyre just using our trauma to instigate moral panics is whether they talk about dismantling power structures and educating the young... or whether theyre inventing evil cabals.

the "cabals" are your pastors, your preachers, your bosses, your fathers, your teachers, your husbands, your cops, your wives, your fathers

the normalization processes of capitalist/state society are fuckin weird. it's bizarre that we're all coordinated to one singular time, and that we're imprinted with celebrations and festivals by a machine that just wants us to produce value

oh the variety of rituals and festivals and practices that we could've known as living practices...

doe boosted

damn, masto can't make lists of people you don't follow?

we have, throughout history, shown that truth to be a farce.

the state doesn't protect us. the structures which constitute the state are built on our exclusion. rights don't protect us. rights are a record of a history of subjugation, in which the subjugated refused.

we protect us.

only when we assume our freedom in practice, when we coordinate our abilities with one another to protect one another, do our "rights" become anything more than words scrawled on paper.

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iberal democracies have tried their hardest to convince the public that any political act not done through their institutions is illegitimate.

the institutions of our society are built on structures which inherently exclude. because of this society produces its own resistance.

our history, as queer people, has been the history of demanding recognition against a society that wants to define us away, failing the "objective" criteria of the structures it claims as truth.

because like, i thought that the only way it populated was either a relay which connected instances and published their collective stuff in the federated timeline, or like, if you follow someone that would show up on that timeline...

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wait maybe i misunderstand how the federated timeline works. are you telling me that i can see things there from accounts i dont follow on instances, so long as i follow someone else on that instance...?

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A small congregation of exiles.