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the vibes on all other social media have rapidly deteriorated i just wanna chill and post about books

sorry the instance was down for so long, critical security errors timed with needing to go on a trip perfectly enough to make me just shut it down til i could work on it again

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im going to be on a 3v3 panel tomorrow and i went from really excited to not even feeling sure im gonna sit through the whole thing

was out for a walk with my dog and my partners and fell on uneven sidewalk because i am grace incarnate

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DROPPING IN 48 HOURS: "I Disagree with Big Joel About Avatar, I Guess"

i ask because i want to expand my repertoire of works that i can reference for conceptions of violence (and its supposed opposite non-violence).

i'll be having a discussion with a few others on a stream in a few days, and we'll be discussing violence.

in general i think the average person's conception of violence papers over much of the daily violence that upholds our lives. i think the average person's conception of "nonviolence" is a kind of Martyr fetish that sees the role of the oppressed as one to be beaten until the oppressor's heart is moved by the display of nonviolence.

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what are the best works of writing on violence?

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Why A Transgendered Woman Calls for Psychiatry's Destruction by Camille Moran. (cw mention of rape) 

From baeddel-meinhof’s blog

My name is Camille. I am born transgendred woman. When I was a child I said that I was a girl but the world called me a “faggot.” Under the sky of pain called psychiatry I was locked away for many years and had the requisite tortures: the terror of electroshock, my bones broken, my body drugged and raped, I was not raised as a gender but as a bug of a child to be smashed.

I am nobody’s victim. My body belongs to me & so does my holy brain. I am the ghost of the untapped conscience of shrinks, a lurking justice, a part of the gathering truth that is rising with a common voice out of the wake of their evil blue fire.

Transsexuals are born into the book of labels. We may be genetic but we are not genetically defective sub-human creatures. By the very nature of our difference, the independence of out alien spirituality, and the passion of the power of our will, we are a threat to the ruling delusions of the mental death profession.

No one has our permission to debate the validity of our existence, to define our reality, to dismiss our pain, and to name us. We name ourselves.

If you could look into the collective genetic memory of your humanity you would find us in the rivers of your dreams, for we were always here, we here here when Earth was a green spirit. We were a natural occurrence in a singing world. In times of absolute horror and destruction I wish for you all the transformational creativity of an utterly beautiful madness, ans I offer you the blessing of a holy human freak.

More info from tumblr user bananapeppers, found in the notes:

“[…] this appears in Dendron no. 33/34 (fall 1993). PDF available via Judi Chamberlin Papers, Special Collections and University Archives, University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries.”

Box 15: It’s unavailable digitized online as far as I was able to find after a brief search.

this movie is basically just “A schizophrenic out for a walk is a better model than a neurotic lying on the analyst's couch”

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love this wretched lil guy subjecting harold to psychoanalysis

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i just rewatched Harold and Maude for the first time since my teacher showed us in high school. back then he told us "i dont have permission to show you this. dont tell anybody."

it was even better than i remembered 😇

conservative christian sermon 

how is this a real sermon and not a Tim Heidecker bit

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If you believe certain words, you believe their hidden arguments.

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Cool, calm & foggy morning today on the Thunder Rock Cove loop off the Oregon Coast Trail

i've been listening to conservative """sermons""" so much these last couple days my mind is cracking

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8 hours for rest
8 hours for work
2 hours for commute
4 hours for housework
2 hours for what we will
3 hours of revenge bedtime procrastination

honestly, gotta respect the dedication to their humiliation kink

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christian street preachers be like "it's God's mission for me to get humiliated by 19 year olds for the rest of time"

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A small congregation of exiles.