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u can sense the autism in someone like how u can sense the force in someone in star wars and that is because they are the same thing. harness the autism
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Reading vol2 has confirmed a few of my suspicions on Marx's later theory. The way he talks about circuits and how commodity production becomes capitalist commodity production is also clearly inspired by his Russian studies. Marx was drawing out these distinctions to understand internal economies like Russia.

The Russian commune for him was a transitional form that was midway between full seperation from the MoP and labour-power and its integration. Hence it stood in the way of capitalist production of commodities.

Plekhanov and Zasulich deliberately hid Marx's "centrism" on the question and paved the way for Lenin's incoherence in his Development of Capitalism in Russia and, eventually, for the Hilferdingian illusions and German war economy model.

Marx even talks about Russian land owners needed credit and state assistance! This ties back into his discussion of spiral pattern, Sismondi and how the first few cycles of capital began through statecraft. Marx rejects the idea that Capital springs forth dialectically through a movement of pure abstractions. The dialectical character of Capital is explained through the seperation of labour-power and the MoP.

im embarrassed to admit how long i tried to make a hobbesian version of this joke before giving up

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*confused newly-converted calvinist voice* so when do i get to meet the tiger?

it's nice to look back at the art that was made for me and realize the ways in which me deciding to live honestly has shaped others and rippled out

everyone gets so excited about those ai chatbots just because it can write without a brain! i do that every day!!! wheres my praise!!!

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The plan? Turn Twitter into a subscription service ... for Nazis.

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don't be surprised when building defenses doesn't reach people; bridges reach people.

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one of the worst traits of microblogging is the way that finding a succinct way to describe people you're opposing creates cycles in which discoursing "teams" only ever give narrative credence to their own team's abstracted description of their enemy (or the reason they're opposing their enemy)

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thoughts on our future 

@exiliaex we will reconnect the world and spread life together.

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Today at 4pm PST

Trump Considers Dissolving the Constitution (I'm not kidding)

Twitter Jammed Hunter Biden's Penis into Everyone's Eyes

The Fallout of Ye's Nazi Call To Action Begins

Good little imps, go press Notify Me and LIKE 👍 so you DONT MISS OUT:

thoughts on our future 

the cold, artificial bodies we've surrounded ourselves with provide no warmth. we've littered the world with suffocating garbage that choked some forms-of-life completely away. extinctions and genocides all for the great Ordering of the world.
all life, just sacrifices for the Worldeater.

and in place of the free play of forms-of-life the Worldeater only leaves behind rotting corpses, begging masses, frozen limbs of concrete and steel, and the cold, artificial bodies, mimicking the life we once knew as siblings.

"you dont need to have read marx to know the capitalist is stealing from you!"

well actualllyyyyy....

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one of the funniest things is when someone goes "anyone can look at the world and come to the same conclusions marx did, without ever reading marx"

because its true, but they also, almost every time without fail, begin to list things marx explicitly argued against

shoutout to those down in mexico city forcing the hydraulic infrastructure to a halt

fuck the pigs beating them for it

doe boosted

philosophy; history, violence, autonomy, redemption 

The desire for autonomy, in its many forms and kinds, is probably the single strongest throughline that connects the variable (and contradictory) kinds of anarchists. The repression of individuals' and groups' autonomy is, in and of itself, one of the largest environmental factors in pushing people towards philosophies and politics of autonomy.

Though, because of this, some interrogations and critiques of our world by anarchists fall flat. Autonomy raised above all, for fear that accepting any action as undesirable would "prove" that at least *some* kinds of people "don't deserve autonomy" or perhaps "can't handle autonomy" or at minimum "need oversight."

How quickly do the words "justice" leave the lips of an anarchist followed by a defense of the violent heart of The Worldeater; Sovereignty. Each anarchist can point to State Sovereignty as a false god, an untruth. But each tries to find the true God of Sovereignty elsewhere; oftentimes in "The People" but more often than that it's the "Localized Community." whether that means a commune, a "municipality," a neighborhood, a union, or even sometimes a worker's council, which almost all boil down to some level of Democracy, of "The People." Most often even maintaining the state relationship between the territory and the population for that democratic governance.

Autonomy is only part of the question.

The Worldeater does as it's named; its existence is predicated on the consumption of the infinite worlds of life, the infinite forms-of-life. In place of those infinite forms, it instead produces one formless mass of fluid life, which it applies processes of subject-making to via apparatuses designed to impart the desire for only its forms on that mass of fluid life. Autonomy from this process, while within this process, is necessary to overcome it, but too quickly can we reproduce it by struggling for autonomy alone.

Redemption is the other side of autonomy.

Our lives are determined by living processes of history, by the past. A law beyond any law of man.
We are struggling for the redemptive world. The world where Origin and Destruction meet. Where the past is destroyed and saved by its redemption. What is destroyed is the past as it was, and what is saved is the past that never was.

Hegel asks: Why does history take this course?

Marx answers: So that humanity may happily separate itself from the past.

kanye, antisemitism 

people need to notice how much the right's media figures are scrambling around kanye's open anti-semitism. there are internal processes within the reaction occurring right now.

remember to check in with your queer, poc, and especially jewish friends soon. things are heating up and only we protect us. the state doesn't protect us.

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A small congregation of exiles.