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philosophy; civil war 

"Can't we already hear this
predictable chatter in the opinion held of the Muromachi period at the end of the Tokugawa shogunate, described so well by one of our enemies: “This era of civil wars, precisely because of its turmoil and the swelling of its out-sized ambitions, turned out to be the freest ever known in Japan. All sorts of shady figures let themselves get caught up in it. And this is why so many have stressed the fact that it was simply the most violent of eras”?

i dont think the question is "Should we have connected?"

i dont think we've ever had another choice.

the body that says "I" has always and will always, in truth, say "We."

its gonna be just like that scene in pig where Nic Cage gets punched over and over again as a challenge or whatever

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today i'm gonna have to debate strangers... for charity

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👾 oh you don’t worship Chaos. yet you engage in the experience of random phenomena. curious.

god dammit, this is the exact opposite of what i wanted... i'm beginning to suspect dan schneider himself is involved now

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👁TODAY at 4pm PST 👁

Attempted COUP Thwarted in GERMANY

Terror Attack in North Carolina

THEN, GIANT MAMA REACT SEGMENT. We've done a TON of News, now its time to LAUGH together :D

Go press NOTIFY ME Lovely imps:

doe boosted
u can sense the autism in someone like how u can sense the force in someone in star wars and that is because they are the same thing. harness the autism
doe boosted

Reading vol2 has confirmed a few of my suspicions on Marx's later theory. The way he talks about circuits and how commodity production becomes capitalist commodity production is also clearly inspired by his Russian studies. Marx was drawing out these distinctions to understand internal economies like Russia.

The Russian commune for him was a transitional form that was midway between full seperation from the MoP and labour-power and its integration. Hence it stood in the way of capitalist production of commodities.

Plekhanov and Zasulich deliberately hid Marx's "centrism" on the question and paved the way for Lenin's incoherence in his Development of Capitalism in Russia and, eventually, for the Hilferdingian illusions and German war economy model.

Marx even talks about Russian land owners needed credit and state assistance! This ties back into his discussion of spiral pattern, Sismondi and how the first few cycles of capital began through statecraft. Marx rejects the idea that Capital springs forth dialectically through a movement of pure abstractions. The dialectical character of Capital is explained through the seperation of labour-power and the MoP.

im embarrassed to admit how long i tried to make a hobbesian version of this joke before giving up

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*confused newly-converted calvinist voice* so when do i get to meet the tiger?

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A small congregation of exiles.