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Tie your knots to mine and be ready for the ride of a lifetime

I'd genuinely love to never talk about this shit anymore, but that would require me to stop *experiencing* it constantly.

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"Transphobia" doesn't even properly summarize what I + so, so many of my peers experience every day now; it's so much more than just vague fear or low-level prejudice.

Deluge of slurs, death threats, false accusations of vile sexual crimes.

and I know its only going to get worse in the forseeable future. I wish I had an answer as to how to survive it. I wish I knew how to make myself more resistant to it, but I'm already one of the most numb-to-transphobia trans people I know.

What a mess of a situation. What a mess of a society.

Payed the taxes as social services were stripped, infrastructure critically neglected, healthcare privatized

Respected community spaces even as they were dissolved

Worked job after job because people have needs to be met even when the pay is bad and the profiteering worse

All this effort we could put towards building our own things, but when we do, they are destroyed.

War has been declared on The Different, on the Exiles, on Those Who Do Not Obey Well

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We will outwit, evade, fight, exhaust, and defeat anyone who tries to hunt us down, anyone who tries to command our lives, anyone who tries to force us to change who we are - as determined by US.

Every last one of us has played nice. Every last one of us has made endless attempts at peace and love and compliance. The crushing demands to work, to serve, to comply, to die are being rejected all around us.

We will help our enemies crumble under the weight of their own fiction.

Ghengis Khan isnt remembered because his genetic material is all over the place; that fact is only relevant because of the legend, the meme, he crafted through his actions.

Del Toro’s Pinocchio was really beautifully animated and well written. I didn’t love most of the musical numbers, but they didn’t detract from the experience. The stop motion was top notch for the whole movie except one single scene and the voice casting was spot on.

Not as hard-hitting politically as other Del Toro films, but that’s to be expected from a children’s story like this.

I'm really enjoying Hideo Kojima's "The Creative Gene" so far. It's basically a collection of essays on a number of his favorite books and pieces of media. I am expecting to walk away with quite a reading list!

DemonMama boosted

Violence is breaking out all over this nation like bursting pustules and whether we die, survive, or thrive will depend on the power of our connections to hold strong even when boiling infection surges around us

Most people cannot even comprehend the level of stranding I'm on right now

If you could see my spirit, you would bow in awe

DemonMama boosted

its gonna be just like that scene in pig where Nic Cage gets punched over and over again as a challenge or whatever

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Today at 4pm PST


FRESH REACT to Shoe0nHead's attempt to cancel me!

Don't you DARE miss it, Lovely Imps! Go Press NOTIFY ME and 👍 LIKE NOW:

If you come as snakes, we'll become Garuda birds and fly over you

If you come as tigers, we'll face you as Lions with manes of blue

If you come with evil intentions, we'll give you a fight

Ten of us will strike you as thunder

Hundred of us will shatter your hearts

Thousand of us will destroy and obliterate

Ten thousand of us will hand you the wrath of Heaven!

If you come as flood, we'll fight until the death

If you come swarming, we'll scatter you

If you come flying, we'll shoot you down with our archery

If you come charging, we will slice you with our swords

-Wolf Totem, The Hu Band

👁TODAY at 4pm PST 👁

Attempted COUP Thwarted in GERMANY

Terror Attack in North Carolina

THEN, GIANT MAMA REACT SEGMENT. We've done a TON of News, now its time to LAUGH together :D

Go press NOTIFY ME Lovely imps:

Being a transfemme public figure, even on a small scale, puts you into contact with such an overwhelming deluge of double standards and collective gaslighting that at some point you simply accept that you are being consigned to an alternate reality than the one you perceive and can demonstrate.

I think a lot of my growth recently has come in deciding how I'm going to grapple with that - trying to salvage my reputation by traditional means does not work when people literally will not acknowledge that they scrutinize me differently than they scrutinize others.

I will be impugned for doing absolutely normal things that every other creator also does, but when I do them they are, for some reason, bad and evidence of malignancy.

There is a certain highly personal, reclamatory freedom that comes from seeing the absurdity for what it is and reformulating approach accordingly.

I wish people could understand that while libs have a more pallatable ideal for daily life and politics, in action they snitch, utilize law to kill, and ruin anyone who disagrees with them on the left for “threatening progressivism”

Liberal communities have again and again declared open war on me, my channel, my name. Falsely accused me and mine of crimes, mass reported my work (and succeded at getting it taken down on false pretenses at least twice!!)

They call me insane for saying things like “yes there is a trans genocide ongoing” and have at literally every turn made my life worse and helped fascists simply for disagreeing with them. Ive fought them only with words. never met them with equivalent force they bear out on me. but I will never forget how much they have punished me after inviting me to debate them in their “marketplace of ideas”

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A small congregation of exiles.