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Yet another “ally” has named me in a deranged “manifesto” (his words not mine)

Kojima retweeted a video in which he gave himself a replica Oscar after walking out on a replica Academy Awards set with what appeared to be an IMAX screen emulating a roaring crowd, seemingly only to hype him up for the day he actually receives an Oscar

May god grant me the power to manifest like that man does 😂😂😂

One day I'm just going to publish a book and it will just be glossy full-page spreads of my banger tweets, art that has been made about me, and my favorite emotes from my website's chat

The Angry Youtube Commenter is one of the most simple to manipulate breeds of commenter.

Sometimes you can literally just type "?" and they will proceed to write another essay on your video. Its like magic. Just throw an emoji at them and you get another free comment on your video.

There are actually a ton of really thoughtful commenters on youtube, but the angry ones, I swear to god are the angriest on the web and will literally bite ANY bait.

oh no one of the asmr people I listen to has begun to evangelize religious/wellness/eating disorder fusion quackery.

"the less food you eat, the more spiritual you are. The more food you eat, it clogs your energies bro it breaks your connection to the spiritual."

they they opined about how they got "frustrated with god" and so they "told god they were just gonna do their own thing and wait for him to come to them when he is ready"


DemonMama boosted

it's nice to look back at the art that was made for me and realize the ways in which me deciding to live honestly has shaped others and rippled out

It's amazing how many stupid wackjobs got popularized on the "left" by offering the most milquetoast takes on worker co-ops and taxing the rich

Almost all of these people ended up Putin apologists and are now riding Elon's shriveled wiener like their lives depend on it.

DemonMama boosted

Donald Trump is calling for an overthrow of the US Government right now.

A marked acceleration in explicit calls in his rhetoric. They really are trying to "shatter the overton window"

Today at 4pm PST

Trump Considers Dissolving the Constitution (I'm not kidding)

Twitter Jammed Hunter Biden's Penis into Everyone's Eyes

The Fallout of Ye's Nazi Call To Action Begins

Good little imps, go press Notify Me and LIKE 👍 so you DONT MISS OUT:

So its really looking like the rail strikes are going to happen. Wild, wild times.

moving to the fediverse has unironically made me a better micro blogger lmao. my stuff on here is way more 🔥 already than my twitter stuff

I had some bangers but I have room to breath here with the character limit difference alone

furious ranting about moral police lefties 

These are “lefties” reacting to my video where I talk about how gleefully toxic wokescold communities erase your identity whenever its convenient to manipulate framing for small clout wins.

The self report of self reports. This isnt intersectional, this isnt serious, this isnt good faith.

communities that legit spend all their time shittalking slightly larger creators, never spending time educating, collaborating with others, even making their own stuff.

Progressive-flavored hater clubs that hope to spark a cancellation so they can see a marginalized person they mildly disagree with get vaporized by kf or nazis or the like

Genuinely strikes such a nerve for me. these groups cause so much pain with this type of manipulative, reframing and essentializing campaigns. I hate it. All of this, unironically, over a joke about Kanye being “Yedolf Blitler”. Hilariously as Ye literally says “I am a nazi” to millions and hands millions of new fans to brainwash to Alex Jones and Neo Nazi Fuentes!!!

I did nine hours today tearing apart racists and transphobes to as many people as I can reach. They…tweeted a lot about one of my jokes being problematic!!! GET REAL!!! AAAAAA

DemonMama boosted

ngl i wouldn't be able to get through this ye trainwreck without @DemonMama as a guide. thank you mama :black_sparkling_heart:

@ErinInTheMorn Happy to see you're here on the fediverse too. Your work greatly helps me do mine. Thank you for all you do tracking legislation so streamers + showrunners like me can get the word out further. Seriously.

🔥Tonight at 4pm PST! 🔥

Yedolf Bliter Strikes AGAIN - Ye and Jones and Infowars and Fuentes and NEVER AGAIN

Gun talk, twitter update part 3 and more after!

Go on down little impies and click the link and press "Notify Me" so you don't forget!

I want to speak out and I want to entertain people. I like having my voice heard but the simple truth is that it has come at incredible costs and the intensity of those costs seem poised to increase drastically.

I cant and wont betray my conscience for petty optics wins. I wont join in condemnation of those I think are innocent just because its expedient to do so.

severe cruelty, transphobia, suicide, 

Earlier today by chance online I came across a young trans person who was mocking me for being a public figure trans woman who “didn’t voice train” as if I had committed some sin by not presenting “correctly” as a public figure.

At first I couldnt help but laugh at the desperate cruelty of it. Obviously I voice trained like crazy for years. I warm up my voice for 40 minutes at the start of every stream. I just…consciously over time moved away from pushing myself to always be hyper femme. I did that diligently for years when I had to to survive, but its strenuous and not fully genuine to who I am.

Out of curiosity, I clicked their profile to discover endless borderline suicide posting, extensively going out of their way to post in the most negative and toxic trans spaces on the web.

I have recieved a lot of cruelty over the years from other trans people. Some of the cruelest shit imaginable. often from younger trans people. If it was anyone else treating me like that it would be nothing for me to laugh at their own misery they’re projecting onto me. But…I cant just laugh that off.

People like this could have at least had a shot at happiness and freedom from self hate if the world was just less than endlessly hostile towards trans people.

I remember my own self hate and some of the cruel thoughts I had in my own mind then. I can never imagine feeling motivated to post those publically about someone, but still. I know the pain self hate causes. the distortion.

Hatred and prejudice have cascading effects. It just cuts away at all of us. Cruelty begets even more cruelty. and the young trans ppl try to kill the “old” (by a few years lmao) ones to soothe their pain.

What a stupid and meaningless cycle. many of these hateful, putrid, toxic self hating racist chan culture trans ppl will die. self inflicted or otherwise. and there can be no peace found in that because they only became that way and twist the knife in their own because they were bludgeoned into self consuming self hatred.

but also why the fuck twist the knife in me?! because I happened to raise my voice at all? fucking meaningless.

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A small congregation of exiles.