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@PallasRiot this all just amounts to a theory of how to better implement incremental reforms, though. Ten years and you get more people to boycott a speech but still vote to send money

@ZiaNitori i feel like this is pretty basic feminism remember the slut walks where women would protest by not wearing shirts?

@nyx if i was a kojima character my name would be Vile Poster

serious USpol commentary 

@nyx @lydiaposting didn’t a random rapper with a posse move in too?

@Impossible_PhD Yeah that’s why every battle should be fought to the death! No retreat! We can and will win every fight we pick!

@nyx @0utside0utsider successes? By the 80s like 20% of its economy was remittances. That’s a gruesome failure to me

re: serious USpol commentary 

@nyx @0utside0utsider

Nothing is resilient enough to both withstand being subverted by the NGO complex and be able to survive the police state. Otherwise it would happen. We can no more effect change in society for the better than the enslaved Black population in the US or the colonized Siberians in Russia could. All you can do is find a way to escape and form your own little life somehow.

@eris I think people vastly overestimate the competence of these people

@rose It’s not a true contradiction, imo it’s actually very consistent. Cars shouldn’t be for primary transportation and basing our lives around, they should be for recreation and entertainment. Thus, a street takeover is manifesting that desire and making it real. Cars and roads made for cars should be for fun! Transportation shouldn’t rely on these roads being open!

@eris lmao say hello to staffing problems they will paper over by reducing expectations

@PallasRiot yeah I don’t really see liberal states or the military actually opposing stuff even as extreme as banning the Democratic Party federally and implementing Gilead. They would simply switch to “you have to ask your husband or father to primary your local Republican”

@rose I could do this! I need a reason to get out every day

@Slug @nonehitwonder @fifilamoura @LevZadov @alissaazar so should people just give up when someone else has a gun and intends to use it against them? Like Ukrainians against Russians?

@chjara @nyx and the USSR was Germany’s primary oil supplier

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A small congregation of exiles.