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Today at 4pm PST

Trump Considers Dissolving the Constitution (I'm not kidding)

Twitter Jammed Hunter Biden's Penis into Everyone's Eyes

The Fallout of Ye's Nazi Call To Action Begins

Good little imps, go press Notify Me and LIKE 👍 so you DONT MISS OUT:

@JesusKristensen oops that last paragraph is wonky; i meant to say:

his point is that you *aren't* being stolen from, in terms of wages or "value," that as long as we're willing to force people to become commodities through property rights and legal infrastructure, this will be the result... if we want to have a free society, in which we are no longer chained to processes controlling us, we have to change the way in which we produce, we can't just try to change the distribution of that production.

what's stolen from us is not our "value" but the endless possibilities of cooperation without it.

@JesusKristensen marx's point is actually more that you *aren't* being stolen from (at least not in the general formulations most "left-wing" economists use, like, "they're stealing the value of your labor!")

his point is explicitly that workers are dispossessed, oftentimes violently, which forces them to sell themselves and that they become commodities. but that once they are in the position of commodity, they are subject to the same bourgeois laws, and thus, all of our labor-power really is bought and sold "at its value."

his point is that you *aren't* being stolen from, in terms of wages or "value" but that you *are* being stolen from in terms of having the ability to live a life with others for the purpose of the free development stolen from you.

thoughts on our future 

the cold, artificial bodies we've surrounded ourselves with provide no warmth. we've littered the world with suffocating garbage that choked some forms-of-life completely away. extinctions and genocides all for the great Ordering of the world.
all life, just sacrifices for the Worldeater.

and in place of the free play of forms-of-life the Worldeater only leaves behind rotting corpses, begging masses, frozen limbs of concrete and steel, and the cold, artificial bodies, mimicking the life we once knew as siblings.

@jannuary i will not ride the dark rail, i shall not be tempted

"you dont need to have read marx to know the capitalist is stealing from you!"

well actualllyyyyy....

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one of the funniest things is when someone goes "anyone can look at the world and come to the same conclusions marx did, without ever reading marx"

because its true, but they also, almost every time without fail, begin to list things marx explicitly argued against

@adaoist hey, thanks for the response. I also just finished up your "What is the State" video, and i enjoyed it, though, i think we have a few disagreements. thanks for sharing it.

@adaoist i'll watch through both! thank you for the explanation and for taking the time to make and share these videos.

the only question i have, with regard to the explanation you wrote out to me is: How would you distinguish power "over" people versus power "subordinate" to people? Liberals and MLs and even a lot of anarchists tend to boil it down to questions of democracy. That, as long as people are consciously applying their will to the political system, as in the case of democracy, that it is "subordinate" to them. I'm curious how you think about it.

@adaoist do you have a particular formulation of the state you think functions best?

shoutout to those down in mexico city forcing the hydraulic infrastructure to a halt

fuck the pigs beating them for it

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philosophy; history, violence, autonomy, redemption 

The desire for autonomy, in its many forms and kinds, is probably the single strongest throughline that connects the variable (and contradictory) kinds of anarchists. The repression of individuals' and groups' autonomy is, in and of itself, one of the largest environmental factors in pushing people towards philosophies and politics of autonomy.

Though, because of this, some interrogations and critiques of our world by anarchists fall flat. Autonomy raised above all, for fear that accepting any action as undesirable would "prove" that at least *some* kinds of people "don't deserve autonomy" or perhaps "can't handle autonomy" or at minimum "need oversight."

How quickly do the words "justice" leave the lips of an anarchist followed by a defense of the violent heart of The Worldeater; Sovereignty. Each anarchist can point to State Sovereignty as a false god, an untruth. But each tries to find the true God of Sovereignty elsewhere; oftentimes in "The People" but more often than that it's the "Localized Community." whether that means a commune, a "municipality," a neighborhood, a union, or even sometimes a worker's council, which almost all boil down to some level of Democracy, of "The People." Most often even maintaining the state relationship between the territory and the population for that democratic governance.

Autonomy is only part of the question.

The Worldeater does as it's named; its existence is predicated on the consumption of the infinite worlds of life, the infinite forms-of-life. In place of those infinite forms, it instead produces one formless mass of fluid life, which it applies processes of subject-making to via apparatuses designed to impart the desire for only its forms on that mass of fluid life. Autonomy from this process, while within this process, is necessary to overcome it, but too quickly can we reproduce it by struggling for autonomy alone.

Redemption is the other side of autonomy.

Our lives are determined by living processes of history, by the past. A law beyond any law of man.
We are struggling for the redemptive world. The world where Origin and Destruction meet. Where the past is destroyed and saved by its redemption. What is destroyed is the past as it was, and what is saved is the past that never was.

Hegel asks: Why does history take this course?

Marx answers: So that humanity may happily separate itself from the past.

re: Another fedi question 

@Mondobizarrro yeah, exactly; see, the fediverse is just "any software that utilizes the activitypub protocol"

so, if, while i'm on an instance, (say, for example, social.xenofemme...) and i do a search for another website (say, for example, on my instance, the request it sends is asking whether that other site is also an activitypub protocol site, and if it is, it automatically "federates" with it, which is why me and you can interact right now.

but, admins of the instances hold the power to "defederate" meaning they can prevent their instance from interacting with another instance at all.

Another fedi question 

@Mondobizarrro no, you dont need an acct on every instance. any instance can interact with any other instance (so long as neither instance has "defederated" from one another, which is what happened with eightpoint, they defedded from xenofemme)

re: kanye/ye 

@maija @eris @destroy @Sovereign_Beast just to be extra super clear: the things that fascists advocate for prior to their existence are not "which form the economy should take" or explicitly talking about a "capitalist dictatorship" or a "war focused society"

the birth of fascism corresponds with rhetoric that calls for a rise in the level of militant nationalist political activism in the streets, usually by "removing" the internal hurdles in their own party (the moderate conservatives who are explicitly not on board with the rising group's power) and by way of pointing to members of society who are "responsible" for the failure of society: historically and today this group includes but is not limited to jews, queers, non-whites...

ye was exhibiting literally all of this. and so was everyone around him.

stop downplaying it.

re: kanye/ye 

@maija @eris @destroy @Sovereign_Beast this is fascist apologia, open and shut. fascists have routinely described themselves as "pro-democracy"

look at carl schmitt! he described the mechanism by which the state "suspends the law to protect the law" years before nazi germany occurred! fascism springs from the centralized nature of bourgeois democracy!

philosophy; form-of-life, time, history, redemption 

@b33rbashjawnson as far as i understand tends to not make these kinds of changes. but, every instance owner has the ability to edit the character count for posts on mastodon. @asterism though, bookchin tended to be pro-israel and some would say racistly anti-arab @asterism bookchin: anti-lifestyle, bakunin: anti-semite dont worry, theyre both bad guys

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A small congregation of exiles.