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@eris that's not an indefensible view, i dont entirely disagree, but, the interplay between a federated set of servers, browser caching, and the way activitypub works means that even people who can and do figure it out have to walk through a whole stage of "uhhh okay do i need to make an account on every instance" because they click on someones profile and it opens in a new tab without an immediate ability to follow and stuff like that. it means either trial and error or asking someone who knows.

and even the places which want to mimic the UX of twitter will run into (at least some of) these problems.

@eris there definitely needs to be more accessible onboarding info that isn't just a wall of text. i'm really glad that @DemonMama made one on her YT channel, but there's still a lot of times where the UX is confusing and inconsistent enough that a new user is going to feel like they're going to make a mistake, just by trying to do something a simple as follow someone else.

@existaint hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

doe boosted

Went out gunning with the critters and some friends yesterday. Absolutely fantastic time getting our BATTLEQUEER on. Shot a lot of different stuff:

Mini 14 Carbine
Colt 1911
Sigsauer .45 and 9mm
Mosin Nagant
.357 Revolver
Didnt get pics of everything but got a few good ones. FAUN has incredible aim!

a youtube stream i was on got pulled for copyright over, i kid you not, a section of 4'33

people who are against neopronouns are just trying to increase demand for he/she/they pronouns by artificially limiting the consumer's pronoun supply

@Retcon this whole 'money' thing is certainly, as the kids say, "wack" in my opinion @bikeshed @eris yeah, 100%, a lot of my favorite critiques of the state come from reading schmitt @eris @bikeshed i've got it in print too, it's fuckin greatttt but hell yeah!

@bikeshed @eris oh? maybe some are worse than i read; i didn't keep up with each. i don't read agamben for his blogposts, i think his philosophy is still worth engaging with imo~ @eris @bikeshed have you gone through his Secret Society stuff? the Sacred Conspiracy?
(here's a pdf in case you haven't @bikeshed @eris yeah they certainly might be, but tbh, Carl Schmitt is just the most honest thinker about the nature of power wrt to the State and sovereignty @eris @bikeshed that one is good, definitely, but i would argue that the more relevant author regarding sovereignty (because it's the one agamben explicitly references) is catholic conservative and eventual Nazi Jurist, Carl Schmitt.

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A small congregation of exiles.