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Student protesters should be extremely hostile towards state actors, voices of mediation, and those who wish to compromise. Anyone from any part of the movement who wishes to de-escalate should be removed from the movement and prevented from speaking to people.

@agreedyboi unfortunately the spectacle often doesn't need real people who are a part of the movement. they often invent people to create the justification for de-escalating when no one wants to talk to them.

much more crow sounds today. very good to see.

if our society is "for the people" and "by the people" why is it every time people organize to actually coordinate a collective experience of the world these Armed Outsiders show up to cause problems?

@destroy squirrels can apparently remember people pretty well and routinely return to food sites. if you bring some nuts with you to a third location (away from your home) and you toss some nuts when you see some squirrels you will probably start developing a relationship with them. though, i think the likelihood of attempts at stealing or biting you are probably slightly higher with squirrels than with crows.

@destroy i find it really rewarding, honestly. i find all of my developing relationships with animals really rewarding. they've taught me a lot about how focus - what i let my attention rest on, how i think about it - shapes my experience of the world in general.

went on a walk with my dog today - didn't see or hear any crows. that used to be really rare, i hope that tree coming down didn't push them out of this part of the neighborhood.

anyways, i know they know where i live and so i expect them to stop back in soon if they get hungry.

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huh, apparently the blog software i use for is going to start supporting federation via activitypub. i wonder what that'll end up looking like.

@ZiaNitori i know, right? i mean truthfully i don't want to hurt the guy that did it, but it weighs so heavy on my heart that no one considers what happened to that tree or the eggs in the nests when cutting the tree down.

well it's official, that tree is completely gone now. very upsetting. i fed some crows today, i know it'll be high stress for them for a while.

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This is an acorn woodpecker granary I found on a hike at Joseph Grant Park, east of San Jose. The acorn woodpeckers store the acorns in the trees. #hiking #photography #woodpeckers

today i woke up to some guy cutting down one of the trees i know the crows nest in 😭

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LMAO someone did a deep dive and found out who runs that discord scraper

there is such a big eagle outside right now

i really hate that 'firebomb a walmart' tweet. not only does nobody think that firebombing a walmart is the solution to literally any systemic problem - even if they did, who is going around promoting their own crimes?

i also really hate how it positions lefty/libs when they are confronted with real struggles being fought on the ground that have no "representation" in party politics, real struggles which require illicit acts to resist, regardless of any question of "changing the system"

it's not about revolutions. it's not about waiting for the socialist/communist revolution to show up at your door. it's about building the knowledges and the coordinations which allow for free people, in collective coordination, to organize and actualize their own autonomy!

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people will really be like "you believe in the power of self-organized, coordinated social living? that pales in effectiveness to my strategy, building working class power in the democratic party" and then not build any working class power in the democratic party

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A small congregation of exiles.