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keep copies of them! they're not going to last forever! and the tools we've collectively made to archive them are under attack! it's up to you!

@gyro god i wish he was talking about teaching children to write and make art that sounds so much better

i watched a really weird video about "initiations" the other day. some dutch pagan was talking about how we need initiations, how it's something missing in modern society. how the power of initiations, the way the world seems totally different after an initiation comes from *you* having been changed with the knowledge. and that there's a kind of magic in that.

all of that was relatively agreeable. and then they went "and kids these days look up to influencers and influencers are just kids in the bodies of adults and they're just Good Consumers and we need to teach boys how to be Dangerous Men, we need to teach boys how to be Producers and not Consumers"

and honestly i really should've seen it coming.

@coffeentacos i saw that when i first made my instance - i realized quickly that no one uses that function lol

something i never see people talk about for fresh instances on masto is the work that goes into pathmaking.

when your instance is fresh it doesn't know any other instances - someone has to do the work to go "find" the posts for the first time to bring them back home.

the best way i've found, which i have spent so many hours doing, is going through whatever follow lists i can, seeing who in there has a semi-active account and following it, just so i could have more selection to choose from moving forward

@leafeon yeah apparently it was my Volume Meter add-on - i don't know why that breaks on masto but it works everywhere else

@eris @mia and after a test it's apparently my Volume Control add on that breaks it??? weird.

@eris @mia huh, good thinking - i just tested with add ons off and that fixed it. i only have a couple, i wonder which one was blocking it.

@mia @eris but for some reason private browsing windows fixes the problem

and it doesn't seem to be a function of *my* masto instance, because the problem still occurs when i'm on others' instances

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audio on masto videos almost never work for me on browser (but do work on my phone app) and idk why

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centering my mind on becomings today.

my own becomings—the intermingling of others' becomings with my own (and of course my becomings intermingling with theirs).

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"...there are as many sexes as there are terms in symbiosis, as many differences as elements contributing to a process of contagion. We know that many beings pass between a man and a woman; they come from different worlds, are borne on the wind, form rhizomes around roots; they cannot be understood in terms of production, only in terms of becoming."

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"That is the only way Nature operates—against itself."

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once you realize that the core dream of language model AI proponents is “owning a slave” you really can’t unsee it.

still not seeing the aurora where i live - the last time was my first and so cooool

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A small congregation of exiles.