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@Silent thank you so much for the offer, but i end up having to keep my ears out a lot anyways

desperately hoping for no fireworks today

i do not understand how this author reads Perlman's "masks" and "armor" as "technological externalities"

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doe boosted

i wish i could remember who posted the "fediverse on an old terminal" posts good thing i'm too dedicated to liberation and freedom to hold the anarchist party line

my parents got me the Society Must Be Defended lectures for christmas

@cvestick completely agree, but most people take that to mean something about our uniqueness for using words; too many put too much stock in the meaning of words and not the collection of contexts and behaviors that actually allow us to understand others.

i dont understand people who dont care to understand the signals animals produce/deploy/etc

doe boosted

Schmitt says "Tell me who your enemy is, and I will tell you who you are" but for some people, their only enemy is a version of themselves they haven't yet conquered, and they manage to see it in almost everyone they meet.

@eris sticking "cream of mushroom" as innuendo in my back pocket, thanks for that

but anyways, you'll have to teach me sometime! i'd love to learn

@eris i also did not serve that soup i was disappointed in myself lmao

@eris a texas red chili, chicken sandwiches, portobello mushroom burgers, honey glazed brussel sprouts, garlic roasted potatoes and carrots

i also was trying to make a green bean casserole, but we didn't have cream of mushroom, so i tried to make my own, but i ended up just making a mushroom soup that couldn't be turned into a casserole easily.

i cooked a bunch for a bunch of people who came over yesterday and now my body doesnt want to move

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A small congregation of exiles.