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@FinalOverdrive agreed, the point i will be showing is how the (at minimum, modern state, with its feudal colored history, theological roots) kills off all of those ways of life for a fuller integration into The Economy.

@FinalOverdrive this is something ive wanted to study. can you point me in the right direction? i dont know where to start.

@FinalOverdrive sedentary peoples *do* have a high potential to, in settling somewhere, disrupt the environment in such a way it could be considered "making war against nomads" i think. and they are strucrured such that they are highly integratable into states.

but yes, i think i agree with you.

@FinalOverdrive i am 100% trying to show how the logic of states produces denomadization. not necessarily saying this about "settled people" but... it depends

@ZiaNitori i don't know if you'd be interested in this, but i'm actually transforming my discord server into an active public-participant research hub so i've got a lil research thread going on in there about this; but if you want the condensed info/books/etc afterward i can absolutely send it your way.

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if anyone knows anyone who has any knowledge on sedentarization practices carried out by states against nomadic/otherwise non-sedentary peoples, please let me know. i've got some pointed research questions i'd like to ask. people do use it but, due to the federated nature of the fediverse not all favs and boosts are always visible to all people at all times.

@ZiaNitori a lot of what i mean isn't actually the storytelling aspect but actually the way that different divinities treated different places of "worship" and the different activities made possible by them without being able to be integrated by the state.

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civilization is literally a living being and sees you as a part of it's body. if you do not pay it for a space to live in via rent or taxes you're restricted from growing things building things, reproduction (technically you can but it will snatch the body you've created for it to integrate into itself), ect. if you do not play a part in it's metabolic cycle as it devours the earth, you are denied everything you're likely to want. even once you manage to achieve this there's a thousand other mechanisms to make sure you're feeding into it's metabolism, and a thousand more for trying to capture any kids you have. it knows people are receptive to incentives and it knows how to create them and if you or your kid dont follow incentives in a predictable way they can diagnose you with a disorder and kidnap you. 90% of people are very consciously in favor of this state of affairs and those that arent are too confused about what precisely the issue is and end up wishing for a world almost exactly the same as what currently exists. the bots arent waking up. they're comfortable, and when they become uncomfortable they know how to cozy up to whatever beast can offer them protection in exchange for their labour and maybe in that process they call for things that make them feel freer like democracy or civil rights. the only liberation to be found is that in disentangling yourself from the beast and learning to live in the dangerous new ecosystem it dominates. if enough people do escape, over time i think it's very likely that there could be good reason to consider them a fundamentally different species because they're evolving in drastically different environments and if this occurs when leviathan is weakened from the natural disasters it creates it's possible that these groups could grow large enough to render an area effectively ungovernable which leads to a whole new world of possibilities, though i think they're more likely going to get exterminated by disease or bureaucracy

@ZiaNitori we are in deep agreement with much of what you've said here.

i think an important question for those like us will be "how do we create powers that last beyond us without being so easily subject to reintegration with civilization"

i've been giving great consideration to the anti-legibilizing power of old divinities.

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Hey did you know I have a patreon? Did you know that it helps me produce and maintain the library I keep publicly accessible?

Did you know it's starting to help me develop a community of self-directed research?

Did you know that i'll be publishing a piece on genocide and queerness as a video essay soon and that versions of the script are readable if you become a patron?

Well hey now you know!

last night i watched Come and See (1985)
it was an excellent piece of art and history and it hurt so bad

@Somniostatic okay a final one because i'm jerking this piece off rn

"The European Leviathan actually emerges strengthened by the Plague, and not only by the gradual acquisition of immunization.

In a community of free human beings, the outbreak of Plague would bring unmitigated disaster. But a Leviathan is an inverted community. Its His-Story is a sequence of human disasters. The human beings trapped in a Leviathan are mirror image of their disasters. In a Leviathan, as its inmates succintly and cynically observe, one man’s loss is another’s gain."

@Somniostatic or another;

"The heresy-hunt inverts every tenet the Christians had stood for. Henceforth, “I say unto you” will be heard only from the mouth of Pontifex Maximus; any other individual who expresses his vision will be a false prophet or, worse yet, Satan’s tool."

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A small congregation of exiles.