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I maintain that there are many who claim the title marxist and communist who only "believe in marxism" insofar as it describes the condition of capital as a condition in which "society does not govern itself" and only insofar as it prescribes a society governing itself consciously.

i always remind myself

the body thay says i, in truth, says we

i want to build shrines that turn into temples because they serve others

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I'm very proud of today's stream. I channeled pure unbridled depression into something wonderful and had a good time doing it with the imps.

I am determined to build something new. something for real. Im completely done with the bullshit that left spaces on twitter and elsewhere have become. no more, firm line in the sand.

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The picture was taken by a plane passenger as they passed over the burning chemicals from the #ohio train derailment.

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philosophy; justice, guilt 

i've been asking questions off and on the last few weeks about justice. nothing particularly incisive, just trying to get away from tired framings that left me wanting... justice has felt a fraught concept for me for some time and i want to elaborate why, and see what is salvageable in it.

who or what is the subject that can enact justice?
who or what is the object of justice?
what is the method of justice?
what is transformed by justice?

in our society, the Subject that enacts recognized and "legitimate" justice is The State. so what is the object of The State's justice? prison facilities are often called "correctional" facilities. what is being corrected? the actions of the individuals deemed guilty.

what is guilt? how is guilt determined? is the method of justice the determination of guilt? or does justice come when the guilty are punished, corrected, fixed?

here, i think is the first great mistaken thesis of justice in the modern world; the attribution of guilt to individuals, as if their soul is blighted by their actions. as if it's their soul that needs to be cleansed by the unmoving gears of the State's Justice System.

what is the object of justice? well, at minimum, the object of the State's justice is the soul of the individual found guilty.

so far, in looking at our own world as it is, we see Justice as The State mediating a transformation of guilty individuals' souls.

so what is the method of transformation? the correctional facility. the separation from outer-society, and the monitoring and regulation of individuals activities at all times. here, the hope of getting out is determined by those in charge. the violent and armed enforcers who are in coordination with one another to keep prisoners acting the way they want even when an enforcer isn't around.

the method of transformation: forced submission. violence til compliance.

the justice of our world aspires, at its best, to be transformative domination.

how can we ever hope to be free from the consequences of domination if our own justice starts from premises resembling these?

philosophy; justice, guilt 

i've been asking questions off and on the last few weeks about justice. nothing particularly incisive, just trying to get away from tired framings that left me wanting... justice has felt a fraught concept for me for some time and i want to elaborate why, and see what is salvageable in it.

who or what is the subject that can enact justice?
who or what is the object of justice?
what is the method of justice?
what is transformed by justice?

in our society, the Subject that enacts recognized and "legitimate" justice is The State. so what is the object of The State's justice? prison facilities are often called "correctional" facilities. what is being corrected? the actions of the individuals deemed guilty.

what is guilt? how is guilt determined? is the method of justice the determination of guilt? or does justice come when the guilty are punished, corrected, fixed?

here, i think is the first great mistaken thesis of justice in the modern world; the attribution of guilt to individuals, as if their soul is blighted by their actions. as if it's their soul that needs to be cleansed by the unmoving gears of the State's Justice System.

what is the object of justice? well, at minimum, the object of the State's justice is the soul of the individual found guilty.

so far, in looking at our own world as it is, we see Justice as The State mediating a transformation of guilty individuals' souls.

so what is the method of transformation? the correctional facility. the separation from outer-society, and the monitoring and regulation of individuals activities at all times. here, the hope of getting out is determined by those in charge. the violent and armed enforcers who are in coordination with one another to keep prisoners acting the way they want even when an enforcer isn't around.

the method of transformation: forced submission. violence til compliance.

the justice of our world aspires, at its best, to be transformative domination.

how can we ever hope to be free from the consequences of domination if our own justice starts from premises resembling these?

the way social media blurs our understanding of the separation between speech and writing makes me yearn to write to and with my friends more

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philosophy, politics; war machine 

our world separates political activity from the actual activity of life. it separates it from material production, social production, social reproduction... political parties want your support so that they can act. their life becomes governing.

becoming "ungovernable" isn't about not respecting the people you associate with, and even some you don't associate with. it's about living an ethical life which becomes a political activity secondarily to its living.

war is not our object. we can make war only on the condition that we are already creating something else.

i think i want to make here, and my discord a triforce. i want to build a little community of research, sharing, and building on shared values, rather than any sort of shared political ideology.

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what if we were both boys and we were both girls

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doe selfies! 


need someone to squish my tummy

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A small congregation of exiles.