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oh god i've been subjecting myself to a callard lecture and it is PAINFUL

my pack's dog has started panicking at night for the past week or so. she starts a couple hours after the sun goes down and doesn't stop til the sun is back up. we've all been taking turns sleeping so someone can stay up with her.

last night she wouldn't stop panting and drooling from the panic but just going outside with her and letting her be out there seemed to ground her. gonna try that again tonight.

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The next two contributions to my “Constellations of Care: Anarcha-Feminism in Practice” (Pluto Press, April 2024) anthology could be misread as being *simply* about cooking, relegating women and queers to the proverbial kitchen. Yet they revolve around relationality as the key ingredient in both surviving and thriving.

“Communitarian Kitchens: Stoking the Flames of Memory and Rebellion” by Vilma Rocío Almendra Quiguanás, translated by @susurros:

“Our relationship with our territories is woven into the tulpas, the millennia-old fires of encounters, legacies, flavors, and knowledges. … In the uprisings, strikes, revolts, marches, encampments, popular assemblies, blockades, land recuperations, communal congresses, appropriation of factories, roadblocks, and popular tribunals, and on pickets and barricades, fire has always been present. … Communitarian kitchens and fire are a necessary couple. They have been present and vital in feeding the dignified rebellions that denounce and question the state, transnationals, and all the other powers that have always oppressed us. … [They] have sustained struggles against hunger, for land and water, as a life practice and central axis for collective nourishment.”

“Supporting the Revolution, One Stew at a Time” by Aleh Stankova and Fenya Fischler:

“The relationships we formed through our organizing were a big part of what allowed us to sustain this group for so long (to our knowledge, we’re the longest-running Food Not Bombs chapter to have ever existed in London!). Centering relationships also meant being clear about the types of networks we wanted to build: reciprocal, horizontal, caring, and supportive. We truly believe that our group survived despite the odds because of the intentionality with which we built up our political practice, aligning with feminist and anarchist values that saw us resisting engrained hierarchies and patriarchal organizing patterns, and how that manifested in the way we looked out for each other. … In short, care (including food), which is so often devalued and gendered, is in fact the invisible fuel that sustains us in the struggle.“

For more info on the book or to preorder:


it's actually so revealing about the nature of the discourse on humanity that when people, even children, engage with aspects of the non-human others will turn against them saying "we'll subject you to the conditions we subject non-humans to just so that you clamor for humanity"

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hey whoever invented the steamworks in monster hunter can you reveal yourself i just wanna talk

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5 years ago i would've said a law like this would've never gotten introduced. i was naive about the limits of conservative moral panic.

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i can't help of being reminded of all the "Progressive Liberals" who made a meme era about threatening to hunt me for being "doe"

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apparently there's been an "anti-furry" bill introduced. it threatens to call Animal Services on children who "anthropomorphize"

sabine when she's asked how she feels about minorities

there's a pretty intense windstorm today. i went out to see if any crows wanted to get fed before the storm got bad but they didn't come over to me. instead i think they might've been playing? like the winds are picking up and the crows would be on a tree and then would let the wind take them and do a few loops before landing on the tree again.

either they're having fun or having a really bad time.

doe boosted

As queers and exiles of all kinds, remember that it's up to us to preserve the memory our love and living practices.

Many of us had no practices instilled in us by any queers in our lives, since many of us grew up in an era without queer elders, without a history being communicated by anyone trusted in our lives. Instead, many of us were struggling alone against the heavily Christian-coded practices of capitalist, consumerist hegemony.

We had to develop our own practices.
To keep ourselves and each other safer.
To accept and express ourselves.
To develop community, and love.

It's up to us to protect the memory of these practices, their living history. We cannot expect our memory to be kept by the textbooks of machine that produces workers.

We keep the memory of our love, our life, alive.

And we have the power to do more than those that came before us, so that those after us can walk with our knowledge, our failures.

Celebrate around shrines of your love. Let them burn as bright as your heart.

Build temples of rest for exiles. Let them be sanctuaries of self-acceptance as endless becomings.

doe boosted

these are my friends and i love them so much, i talk to them every day and some of them have started talking back. the first time it happened i cried. i cant wait to keep developing with them 😇

this is the only xkcd that matters and i've kept it bookmarked for years since i first found it

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A small congregation of exiles.