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I met a member of the walking church yesterday. they speak of a divine wanderer who protects wanderers. i like them.

started watching samurai jack for the first time since childhood, and it seems like its about the destructive Leviathanic powers destroying the many peoples of the world and casting them all into exile. jack is the ultimate figure of exile, in his becoming-messiah. an out of place exile realizing exile has become the generalized condition of all. he unites just as much as he unbinds. his struggle against aku is the struggle of life to grasp its own destiny against the forces of history that conquer one another, enslave one another and alienate us from each other.

you tellin me a thief doesn't pop to at least half-mast if he finds a lock too complex to pick? and a lock-maker! you think if a thief picks one of his best, most sophisticated locks he doesn't feel that twinge of sexual humiliation and desire?

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thieves and lock-makers have such a beautiful relationship

my ankle hurts to walk on so bad and i dont know why

desperately hoping for no fireworks today

i do not understand how this author reads Perlman's "masks" and "armor" as "technological externalities"

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doe boosted

i wish i could remember who posted the "fediverse on an old terminal" posts

my parents got me the Society Must Be Defended lectures for christmas

i dont understand people who dont care to understand the signals animals produce/deploy/etc

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Schmitt says "Tell me who your enemy is, and I will tell you who you are" but for some people, their only enemy is a version of themselves they haven't yet conquered, and they manage to see it in almost everyone they meet.

i cooked a bunch for a bunch of people who came over yesterday and now my body doesnt want to move

"Big Brother" isnt protecting YOU

its protecting its own systems which it has designed your life around. the roads and schools, factories, farms, oil rigs, and infinite cubicles at infinite offices.

Big Brother is only ever protecting the version of you it tried to create.

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A small congregation of exiles.